Thursday, November 3, 2011

How Do I Treat Recurring Yeast Infections?

Yeast occurs naturally in the body, most often in warm moist places including the vagina, underarms and folds of skin. For most women, yeast causes no medical issues. Occasionally, the yeast grows out of control and results in a yeast infection.

Most women get at least a few yeast infections throughout their lives. The symptoms of a yeast infection include a white discharge, itching or burning in the vaginal area and a slight odor. In most cases, women can cure an infection by using over-the-counter medication. If you have never had a yeast infection or if you have recurring yeast infections, you should see a doctor to ensure you do not have any other medical issues. Some STDs and bacterial infections may have similar symptoms but need different medications.

Yeast infections can be caused by a number of factors. Certain medications can affect the hormonal balance of the body and allow yeast to grow out of control. Wearing tight or damp clothing can create the perfect environment for yeast to flourish and lead to an infection. There are many steps you can take to avoid these infections. For example, it is important to shower after working out, quickly change out of wet bathing suits, avoid underwear made from synthetic fabrics and try to wear loose, breathable fabrics.

If you suffer from recurring yeast infections there can be a variety of causes. If you have ruled out the common causes of yeast infections mentioned above, you should first visit your OBGYN. Your doctor should check for other infections or medical problems that may be causing or contributing to yeast infections.

You should also consider adding an active culture yogurt to your diet, which can help balance your body. Try to pinpoint variables that happen right before you have problems. For example, is it after sex? You may be reacting to the brand or material of a condom. Do you consume a large amount of beer, bread or cheese? Consuming too many of these foods can contribute to yeast infections.

Recurring yeast infections are uncomfortable and can even be painful. It can also be very frustrating when you are following all the "rules" and are still getting infections. Pay attention to the signs of an impending yeast infection so you can take preventative measures. First, do not scratch yourself. If you can, avoid wearing underwear and wear loose cotton skirts. Rinse the vaginal area with water and be sure to pat dry. Ask your doctor for prescription strength external vulva cream and medication to cure the infection.

By: Jeremy C. Winters

Does Biotin Help During Pregnancy?

Losing hair is certainly amongst the most troublesome fears of women today. Hair loss affects in the neighborhood of twenty to 30 percent of the female citizens all over the planet. This quiet fear is had by females from all walks of life, certainly including women that are expecting a baby.

Most women will grow much more hair, even thicker hair during pregnancy, there are many pregnant mothers-to-be that could find the opposite happening, which is a reason these women might need to acquire some more biotin during their pregnancy. However, unknown to a multitude of these ladies, biotin can be supplemented as part of a healthy antenatal vitamin regiment and is just as important as getting enough milk for a woman’s bones.

It is an important nutrient that has a multitude of jobs in the body. Although it's not often that women suffer from a biotin shortage, the greater benefits of biotin from a nutritional menu plan are many.

What Exactly is Biotin?

Biotin, sometimes known as Vitamin B7, is a water soluble vitamin that lends a hand in a lot of functions of the body. Some of the recognized advantages of biotin in the human body include normal cell growth, fat and protein synthesis and metabolism, citric acid regulation, blood sugar level management, insulin level regulation, hair integrity, as well as many more.

Just like its sister B-vitamins, the affects are had by the body when the vitamin is gotten by the different foods we eat. When you get nutrients from healthy eating, some problems such as brittle fingernails,palmo plantar pustulosis (a skin problem on the palms of your hands), hair problems, scabby skin cankers, dermatitis, diabetes, and cradle cap could either be controlled and often avoided.

Biotin During Pregnancy Is Easy

Outside of those touched on, there are some other benefits of biotin for pregnant women, too. It should be noted that pregnant women frequently have higher metabolic demands and requirements when compared to normal due to the needs of the developing fetus. This is becoming increasingly evident due to the fact that women who do not take biotin while pregnant are sometimes showing signs of biotin shortcoming.

A notable affect of not consuming the right amount of biotin during pregnancy can be a decrease in the immune system of the expecting mother. Without healthy defense mechanisms, the pregnant woman, and even the fetus, may become prone to a variety of diseases that may cause impairment of the development of the baby - this is increasingly rare, but worthy of noting. In addition, lacking the proper volumes of biotin during pregnancy, the baby could also become prone to birth defects - again, really rare.

Get Enough Biotin By Eating a Healthy Diet

In order to get the bulk of the benefits from biotin, it's important for the expecting woman to have a good understanding of how they can get enough biotin during pregnancy. Applying creams, shampoos, and conditioners is not clinically not proven to increase biotin numbers, so in order to make use of biotin, it should be taken orally or intravenously.

To ensure proper growth of your baby, at least 30 to 35 mcg of biotin a day is recommended. This is really a small amount, and it's all that we need.

By: Chloe Prichards

Bioidentical Hormone: Pragmatic Approach To Managing Menopause

Hormonal therapy has long been used as an effective and practical approach to treating the symptoms of menopause including hot flashes and irregular bleeding. Estrogen is the most commonly used hormone for HRT, and clinically used hormonal formulations are FDA approved and therefore proven to be safe and efficient. Aside from minimizing perimenopausal problems, hormonal therapy also offers other cosmetic benefits by cutting down signs of aging. Women over 50 undergoing HRT report significantly improved skin tightening and diminished wrinkles.

While not all women experience side effects, some do report breast tenderness or bleeding post hormonal therapy. A number of clinical trials and tests reveal that combination therapy using measured doses of both estrogen and progesterone are not only more successful but show fewer side effects.

The term "bioidentical hormone" includes hormonal formulations that are identical in chemical composition and molecular structure to the hormones naturally synthesized by the human body. The application of hormonal preparations extracted from natural sources has found widespread acceptance among the medical community. Also termed as natural hormonal therapy, these are synthesized using plant extracts, including protein-rich sources such as soy and yams. While such formulations are virtually indistinguishable by the human body, laboratory tests can analyze the total hormone strengths to help monitor levels and adjust therapy doses appropriately.

Since the various hormones are recognized differently by the various cells in the body, in some cases conjugated hormonal therapy is preferred. For clinical application, bioidentical hormone preparations such as estriol and estrone are sometimes used in conjugation with other hormones such as bioidentical progesterone. This not only helps clinicians customize the treatment plan per individual needs but also adequately monitor patient progress.

While using compounded hormones is a significant decision so also is the method of hormone preparations and the delivery system chosen. For instance, estrogen taken as a pill is by far the most effective since it is processed in the liver before being delivered into the blood, releasing stimulatory C-reactive proteins and clotting factors that can seriously reduce chances of heart-related conditions. On the contrary, transdermal application of estrogen delivered at the same concentration is significantly less efficacious.

Hormonal therapy is not restricted for usage during menopause alone. Testosterone replacement therapy is often recommended for men facing symptoms of, natural or owing to surgical intervention. While not all aging-related problems in men are testosterone-related, a number of men do find testosterone supplements to be efficacious in alleviating andropause symptoms.

Regardless of the exact nature of hormonal imbalance, HRT can be a virtual boon to helping minimize the downsides of aging, thus proving to be vital in restoring one's physical and emotional equilibrium. Consult a specialist to discuss bioidentical hormone therapy and traverse menopause while ensuring a healthy and positive outlook towards life.

By: aavery

Tackling The Problem Of A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

The occurrence of a ruptured ovarian cyst in menstruating women is quite common and in many cases goes unnoticed as it recedes on its own. During the time of menstruation a cystic structure known as follicles form and continues to grow until it ruptures. The severity and complexity of the problem varies with different individuals. However it is essential to know the symptoms and available treatment of this condition to prevent it from taking serious dimensions.

Symptoms of a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

The actual symptoms of a ruptured cyst are quite similar to that of a regular cyst, and are indicated by a constant, dull and aching type of pelvic pain. The pain may be aggravated during routine activities like bending, picking things up, walking and after sex. Irregular cycles and spotting are some of the other associated symptoms that need to be watched out for. At the point of rupture of the cyst there is intense pain which is sharp and acute occurring around the lower abdomen.

Bloating of the abdomen along with paleness and anemia caused by excessive bleeding indicate the rupture having taken place which requires immediate medical attention. Weakness, fever, nausea, giddiness, fainting and general lethargy are some of the symptoms that may provide an early warning about the onset of this condition. Internal bleeding associated with the ruptured cyst is a dangerous and life threatening condition which must be immediately attended to.

Treatments for a Ruptured Ovarian Cyst

The exact nature of any procedure to treat this condition will depend on the nature and severity of the rupture. The primary objective in treating such a condition is to first stabilize the patient and ensure normal breathing, pulse rate and required degree of blood circulation. In extreme cases a diagnosis called culdocentesis is required to ascertain the extent of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Antibiotics, such as Gentamycin in various forms and broad-spectrum penicillin, are the most common medication that needs to be administered irrespective of the severity to prevent spread of infection. Oral contraceptive medication may also be administered to arrest the rate of ovulation. After the initial stabilizing actions, a few tests will be conducted by manual and ultrasound methods to determine the exact extent of the problem. In case of a hemorrhagic cyst being observed, a surgical procedure may have to be undertaken as a life saving measure.

The ruptured ovarian cyst, though quite common in many women, has the potential of spinning out of control if remedial measures are not taken in time. Additionally, even after the treatment is over, regular check ups and monitoring is essential to prevent further complications.

By: Sandy Rutherforde

Uterine Fibroids Home Remedies-try These Tips Now

Before considering the various uterine fibroids home remedies, lets consider what a uterine fibroid is. A uterine fibroid is an overgrowth of muscle tissue that originates in a woman's uterus. Fibroids usually appear at the middle or later part of a woman's reproductive period. In the woman's uterine wall, fibroids grow as a single tumor or in clusters that are found attached abnormally.

It is important to note that uterine fibroids are not cancerous (benign) and they do not progress into uterine cancer. Although they are called as benign tumors, this does not mean that they are symptom or problem-free, with many women finding that their life quality is severely effected. Indeed, fibroids can be the cause of various health problems.

Some fibroid tumors vanish spontaneously, especially the small ones, but there are tumors that are hard to treat. Nevertheless, they can be controlled and shrunk with the use of uterine fibroids home remedies, which include:

* Herbs

Herbs are used to normalize the hormonal imbalances in the body and it's also important to help the liver function well, as a healthy liver also aids in eliminating any excess estrogen. Symptoms caused by fibroids such as cramping and excessive bleeding are also relieved by herbs. Herbs such as red raspberry and motherwort that help control the occurrence of symptoms are necessary to help in the healing of fibroids. On the other hand, other known herbs which help relieve the symptoms caused by fibroids are: Dandelion root, Milk thistle, Nettle, and Yellow dock. But among these herbal uterine fibroids home remedies, Vitex is the most popular and the most efficient one in alleviating the said condition.

* Aromatherapy treatment

A designed formula of oils extracted from herbaceous plants such as ginger, marjoram and rose can be used to soothe the heavy and painful symptoms and is one of the popular uterine fibroids home remedies. Massaging these oils unto one's abdomen can give a relaxing effect that ease muscle cramps, relieve constipation, and help alleviate physical and emotional tension. In addition, using these oils in a sitz bath will help improve the circulation of blood in the uterus and prevent blood stagnation that can also be a reason for fibroids to start growing in the walls of the uterus.

* Exercise

Exercise promotes a woman's regular ovulation thus, it helps to control the development of fibroids. However, exercises should be done in moderation.

Uterine fibroids home remedies may take a little time to take effect, but when applied in combination, the effects can be permanent. You will need to be able to self-treat and make a number of changes to your lifestyle and diet, but the rewards can be great, with many avoiding the need for painful surgery.

If you would like to see strategies for treating fibroids using alternative methods, then there is a guaranteed system which can shrink your fibroids and eliminate all symptoms.

By: Carrie Holmes

Kegel8 Reviews-the Popular Pelvic Floor Toner

A quick internet search reveals a number of Kegel8 reviews and it is fair to say that most of the comments about these popular pelvic floor toners are very complementary towards this particular product range. Kegel8 was devised by a physiotherapist with the aim of providing a satisfactory and workable solution for the common problem of weakened pelvic floor muscles following childbirth or simply due to the aging process.

Until recently, women were always advised to do their "kegel exercises" after giving birth. These consisted of a set of repetitive "squeeze and release" exercises performed by the vaginal muscles.

Now, those of us who have given birth can appreciate just how difficult this can be - on many levels.

Firstly, when you have had a baby, your vaginal muscles feel extremely slack. Indeed, I couldn't tell if I was squeezing or releasing as I seemed to have no muscular tone at all. As the muscle fibres began to repair themselves and some kind of feeling returned, I was just too busy looking after my baby to remember to perform exercises which, in my mind, had little effect. Pelvic floor toners are therefore seen, by many, as an easy answer.

There are a number of Kegel8 reviews to be found at various locations around the internet and it has to be said that the vast majority are very positive indeed, with many women reporting that this range of pelvic floor toners has literally changed their lives, freeing them from embarrassing and inconvenient incontinence and enhancing their sex lives. Indeed, Kegel 8 is used by physiotherapists within the NHS and this in itself provides a degree of "authority" to the claims made by the manufacturers.

There are 2 units in the range-the Tight and Tone and the Ultra. Kegel8 reviews often refer to the range rather than pointing out the differences between the two models. In some ways, this is fine as the differences are subtle and relate mainly to the number of programmes offered (the Ultra has 14 and the Tight and Tone, 9) and the appearance of the handheld units. The probes are interchangeable and both devices come with the option of a standard sized probe or a wider one, which is suitable for toning up particularly slack muscles. One of the additional programmes available on the Ultra is an anal programme and you therefore also have the option of this type of specialised probe should this be a requirement.

In a number of Kegel8 reviews, it is reported that some women started off with the standard Kegel8 Tight and Tone version and progressed to the Ultra, thereby buying two pelvic floor toners. Whether the additional programmes justify this additional expense is, in my mind, questionable and I feel that for the extra few pounds, it may be worth getting hold of the Kegel8 Ultra to start with.

By: Suzanne Barrett

Can Heartburn With Pregnancy Be Prevented?

There are certain things that will happen to you in your pregnancy that are unavoidable. They go with the territory, so to speak. There are also things that frequently or sometimes occur in pregnancy. Actually, more fits in that category than the “it’s going to happen whether you like it or not” category. One of those “not always” scenarios is heartburn with pregnancy.

Just over half of all pregnant women experience severe heartburn. That also means that about half of all women DON”T experience heartburn symptoms. So, in this case, heartburn is not inevitable if you are pregnant.

Anytime we experience an unpleasant change in our health there is at least a little cause for concern. That “this is the first time this has happened to me” feeling is Mother Nature’s way of causing you to give some thought to what is going on and to ask some important questions. “Is this normal?” “Is there cause for concern?” “What can be done about it?” “Should I contact a doctor?”

For many women pregnancy is their first brush with the discomfort of heartburn. Later in life, heartburn is actually more likely due to aging and a lifetime of exposure to the toxic modern diet. But, at least for now, you may be wondering what is responsible for this new-found discomfort.

First of all, yes, heartburn is normal with pregnancy. It is information that should be shared with your doctor who can give you good advice on how to deal with it. There are available over-the-counter remedies but not all of them are safe. For example, antacids that contain aluminum can be dangerous. That’s why it’s important to get clarity from your physician.

Heartburn can manifest itself in varying degrees. At the lowest level is mild indigestion. Progressively heartburn can grow into more troubling symptoms like acid reflux which is caused by stomach contents flowing back into the esophagus and throat. It is important to know, however, that you don’t have to live with these symptoms. Something can be done about it with your doctor’s assistance.

It’s easy to understand why heartburn can become a concern during pregnancy. After all, your body is changing dramatically, and much of that change is happening in your stomach. Ah, yes, those hormones. They are at least, in part, are responsible for heartburn. Hormones can affect the muscles of your digestive tract and the way you react to different foods. Pregnancy hormones can cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax which allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. Another possible contributor is your enlarged uterus as it pushes against your abdomen forcing stomach acid upward.

There are some things that you can do to curb a tendency toward severe heartburn.

1) Avoid heartburn trigger foods and beverages- Spicy, acidic, greasy, and fat laden foods can trigger symptoms. Unfortunately, so can carbonated beverages and chocolate (sorry). Alcoholic beverages and caffeinated drinks are also problematic.

2) Eat smaller and more frequent meals- Large meals can prompt heartburn symptoms. Instead of 3 meals per day increase to 6 smaller meals giving your body more time for proper digestion.

3) Don’t eat before going to bed- Don’t consume food for 2-3 hours prior to bedtime.

4) Wear loose fitting clothes- This is kind of a no-brainer if you are pregnant but if you are insistent on wearing tight clothing you will be aggravating the heartburn issue.

5) Don’t smoke- That and alcoholic beverages should already be on your no-no list. Smoking can and does prompt heartburn symptoms.

Chances are that you selected this article because you are already experiencing some heartburn symptoms. The good news is that you can do something to relieve your discomfort. After the baby is born you should experience fairly immediate relief.

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, these symptoms will likely return later in life. Take measures now to prevent severe heartburn, acid reflux, and other related problems from reoccurring in the future. By keeping the weight off and eating healthy food you can minimize your chances of heartburn ever becoming a serious problem.

Heartburn with pregnancy is only a temporary concern. You can get relief with the help of your doctor and even do some things to keep it under control.

By: Richard Weirich