Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How Can I Tighten A Loose Vagina

There is a lot of curiosity amongst women to tighten their vagina which has become loose mainly due to aging or childbirth. A loose vagina does not provide the same sexual pleasure which a tighter vagina provides hence it can result in low libido problem as well as sometimes result in problems in a relationship as a good sexual life is the basis of strong intimate and long lasting relationships. So in this article let us find out some of the ways through which vagina can be tightened.

Vagina tightening surgery is the shortest way to tighten your vagina. The problem with this method is that it costs a lot of money so everyone cannot afford it and it lasts only till your next pregnancy.

Natural Medicine
This method is gaining in immense popularity as people have come to know of the rich healing properties of herbs and absence of any side effects while taking them. Aloe and manjikani are two such herbs which have rich skin tightening properties and are normally used in preparing vagina tightening creams.

How To Use These Tightening Creams
The best way to use these creams is to apply them 15 to 20 minutes prior to sexual intercourse and leave the area to dry. After this period of time vagina becomes tighter by almost 30% thereby enhancing the feeling of penetration for both the partners and making sex more pleasurable.

Added Benefits
Apart from making the vagina tighter these creams also act as natural lubricants and get rid of bad vaginal odor. Also regular application for 2 to 3 months helps the vagina regain its original shape and size.

The use of these creams should be avoided if you are suffering from any vaginal infections and during menstruation.

By: Ajeet Gautam

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