Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fibroid Pain - How To Relieve The Discomfort Of Fibroid Tumors

To relieve the discomfort of uterine fibroids, there are a number of strategies to try. Fibroid pain can vary from woman to woman, with some only feeling mild discomfort. For other though, the reality is very different, with the symptoms affecting the daily quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms

Manifestations of the condition can vary from one person to another. However, most will feel the following:

"ý Heaviness felt on the level of the navel or below
"ý Low back pain
"ý Fibroid pain felt in the abdomen during sexual intercourse
"ý Difficulties with bowel movement
"ý Frequency of urination increases
"ý Unusually heavy bleeding during menstruation

Treatment for the Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

There are several effective home remedies known to relieve the discomfort of uterine fibroids and fibroid pain. They include:

* Sitz bath - alternately immersing the pelvic area to warm and cold water will improve blood circulation to the uterine area and help in the healing process.
* Aromatherapy - the process makes use of aromatic oils extracted from plants such as marjoram and rose. They have a calming and sedative effect that relaxes tensed muscles and improves circulation, thus helping to relieve the discomfort of uterine fibroids. It can be used in conjunction with a sitz bath.
* Dandelion, milk thistle seed, yellow dock root - these will enhance metabolism of estrogen and its excretion out of the body by strengthening the liver.
* Vitex or chasteberry - the tincture preparation of these herbs are used to relieve the discomfort of uterine fibroids and fibroid pain. They balance the entire endocrine (hormone) system by acting directly on the pituitary gland, which controls all hormonal activity. Drink 25 to 30 drops two to four times daily and you'll notice that the fibroids will slowly shrink after a few months of continuous therapy, but you have to take it for at least a year.
* Warm castor oil, ginger compress, and poke root oil - these preparations are for topical use only. They are rubbed against the belly and are very effective in easing the pain associated with uterine fibroids formation.
* Whole grains and beans - eating a lot of them will help shrink the tumor.
* Stinging nettle - the tea made from this herb will relieve the discomfort of uterine fibroids and fibroid pain. It is rich in iron that will also effectively counteract anemia from blood loss that commonly accompanies the condition.
* Ibuprofen, the anti-inflammatory can prove very helpful at the worst times of the month, both in terms of pain relief and helping to stem heavy bleeding a little.

The discomfort of uterine fibroids can be significantly helped by trying a combination of natural strategies with fibroid pain reducing as shrinkage happens. Do not necessarily be afraid of trying conventional pain relievers on the advice of your doctor or pharmacist. It's often a case of doing what works for you personally.

If you would like to learn how to relieve the discomfort of uterine fibroids, then there is a guaranteed system which can shrink your fibroids and get rid of your symptoms.

By: Carrie Holmes

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