Monday, October 31, 2011

Natural Hair Loss And Its Natural Remedies - Must Know Solutions

Do you feel your hair falls too much?

Are the pharmacological solutions having too many side effects? If your answer is yes, I am happy to share some of the natural remedies that have been proven to work on natural hair loss for both the genders. These methods are much better options than expensive transplants.

Massaging with finger tips on your scalp is one method. I found that it gives better result with pure ingredients like a few drops of lavender and some bay essential oils together with four ounces of sesame oil. Make sure that your hair is left free for an hour before you wash off the oils.

Surprisingly, lots of remedies do remain unknown to many people. Do you want to learn more about the secrets on how to reduce natural hair loss? It's all about using the right ingredient the right way.

Aroma therapy makes use of distilled oils of cedar wood, bay, lavender, jojoba, lime, etc. You get double advantage of aroma inhalation and oil absorption, which in turn reduces the hair loss. Did you know that taking saw palmetto, with their anti androgen properties, can remarkably reduce natural hair loss for men with prostrate problem?

The Chinese formula of a mixture of honey, aloe, brahmi and mulberries, etc. Is found to be a good natural medicine to control baldness. Similarly, there are many remedies for natural hair loss mentioned in the school of Ayurveda, which utilizes massaging oil and oral intakes. Homeopathy takes a little longer but it really brings lasting results. It makes use of distilled organic products for the healing.

Having used all these methods, one thing to always keep in mind is that natural hair loss also depends on your food habit and hereditary. Even though, hereditary is something you don't have any control over, you can certainly change the dietary patterns into foods rich in calcium, silica and iron. Without proper nutrition, no amount of treatment will give its full benefit.

By: John Farikani

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Can Diet Help With Fibroids In The Uterus? Food And Drink Which Can Help

Fibroids in the uterus are very common and affect many women during childbearing years. This non-cancerous, solid tumor can grow in the womb. Many women ask, "can diet help with fibroids in the uterus?" and the answer is that it can, but particularly when combined with other natural strategies.

Foods that Help Shrink Fibroids

Diet alone may not absolutely relieve you from the condition but it is no doubt that foods can be of great help on the process. Here are delicious ideas to get rid of fibroids:

* Choose the right food groups. Whatever condition you have, you should practice to eat healthy. And eating healthy means getting the adequate amount of nutrients. Avoid those foods that increase your estrogen levels because it might aggravate your condition.

* Hydration can also be an answer to the question, "can diet help with fibroids?" Drink about six to eight glasses of water unless contraindicated. This can help detoxify the body and promote your general well being.

* Fresh fruits are beneficial especially those that are rich in bioflavinoids such as kiwi and blueberries.

* Vegetables along with fruits are good sources of nutrients that battle the abnormal fibroid cells efficiently. Regularly have a dose of your favorite vegetable-fruit salad. Just be sure to rinse them thoroughly and have them slightly cooked, as you don't want to acquire additional diseases as well as lose essential nutrients from the cooking.

* Can diet help with fibroids? It sure will with onions and garlic. They contain loads of antioxidants and help balance your hormones.

* Vegetable oils and fish oils are particularly good for the body.

* Beans, nuts, seeds of flax, pumpkin, and sunflower are particularly helpful in shrinking the tumor.

* A very special herbal tea can help fight fibroids. Get 2 tsp. each of dandelion root, yellow dock root, and ginger root; and 3 tsp. each of licorice root, crushed vitex berries, and nettle. Simmer the first four herbs in four cups of water in a covered pot for 15 minutes. Turn off heat, and then add the vitex berries and nettle. Cover it for 20 minutes and strain. You have to drink it in equal parts, three times a day, 15 minutes before each meal.

What to avoid

Can diet help with fibroids in the uterus? Yes it can. But there are foods as well as lifestyles that will worsen the condition. They include:

* Food that is rich in saturated fats like butter, alcohol, and sugar. They give a high workload for the liver, which in turn makes it difficult for the organ to metabolize estrogen.

* Since obesity is one of the major risk factors for fibroid formation, adequate exercise, proper diet, and avoiding stress will help prevent it or relieve the discomforts associated with the condition.

If you are asking, "can diet help with fibroids in the uterus?" then is a guaranteed system which can shrink your fibroids and eliminate all symptoms.

By: Carrie Holmes

Fibroids Natural Cures - Foods To Help Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Early detection of uterine fibroids is beneficial to women suffering from it simply because fibroids natural cures are actually available right at their homes, and they can make use of these to prevent the progress of the condition. These remedies will greatly help lessen or relieve the pain of the fibroid symptoms and may even stop its growth.

But first, what really is a uterine fibroid? Fibroids or myomas (as it is commonly known to people) are non-malignant tumors growing in the uterus thought to be partly caused by an excessive amount of estrogen produced by the body. Usually, women in their 20s to 40s suffer from this ailment. Fibroid symptoms include excessive menstrual bleeding coupled with tenderness, bloating, frequent urination, and pain during sexual intercourse. The level of discomfort varies based from the size, number, and location of the fibroids themselves.

For remedies, aside from surgery and medications available, women can turn to their kitchen for fibroids natural cures. Below are some of the foods to help shrink fibroids that a fibroid patient can use to alleviate her symptoms and shrink those fibroids.

* Legumes (fiber-rich food).

These foods help flush out wastes and toxins from the body. Legumes are excellent fibroids natural cures. They also contain copper and zinc that are very important when a woman is having a heavy flow during her period. Examples of these foods are: pinto beans, lima beans, lentils, black beans and kidney beans. More so, sprouted beans are a good source of phytoestogens that help lower estrogen levels in the body.

* Soybeans.

Soybeans contain bioflavonoids that are very helpful in lowering the levels of estrogen in the uterus. Examples of soybean-derived food products are tofu and soymilk.

* Dark leafy veggies.

Dark leafy vegetables are excellent fibroids natural cures. These vegetables are good sources of Vitamin A, C, and E; as well as fiber that are very important in controlling the excess estrogen in a woman's body. Furthermore, dark leafy vegetables also contain iron. Iron-rich foods help in replacing the iron eliminated in the body during a heavy menstrual bleeding and are excellent foods to help shrink fibroids. Good sources of iron are kale, spinach and broccoli.

* Fresh fruits are a good source of fiber.

The oranges, bananas and strawberries on your table are a good source of magnesium, potassium and calcium and it's one of the best remedies for bloating.

* Fish Oils.

Fish contains essential fatty acids. Salmon, tuna and mackerel is a good source of the very important Omega3. On the contrary, avoid animal fats, as these are estrogen lovers.

* Whole grains, nuts and seeds are also good sources of fiber and Vitamin E.

* Herbal Teas.

Spices and herbs are generally used as herbal teas. They are often said to have medicinal properties and cure various ailments related to fibroids. Some of these useful herbs are ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion, yarrow, cinnamon, nettles, yam, and willow. In addition, milk thistle, artichoke extract, dandelion, calendula, damania and thuja are some herbs labeled as effective in shrinking fibroids.

* Seaweeds (Particularly Arame)

Seaweeds can be used as foods to help shrink fibroids because it contains phytohormones that normalizes menopausal symptoms.

Try using some of these fibroids natural cures to alleviate your symptoms. They often work best when combined with other natural strategies to shrink fibroids.

If you would like to see more information on treating fibroids and the foods to help shrink fibroids then there is a guaranteed system which can really make a difference.

By: Carrie Holmes

How To Cure Candida Yeast Infection Quickly-tips For Eradication

There are various methods available for those wanting to know how to cure Candida yeast infection that you can explore and use. This includes home remedies and natural treatment options like using tea tree oil, eating yogurt, making dietary changes and so on. However, if you have tried those and nothing seems to work, perhaps you can turn your attention to medicines. Before you buy anything from that local drugstore, it's best to consult first with your physician or your obstetrician/gynecologist. After all, it's their responsibility to help you out especially when you are dealing with vaginal thrush.

One of the issues with Candida is the fact that once it has become established, eradicating it can be very difficult. Many treatments will help calm the symptoms but this approach will not cure it altogether.

Getting Familiar With Antifungal Products

Your doctor may recommend you an antifungal product used to treat Candidiasis. These antifungal creams applied topically are some of the ways on how to cure Candida yeast infection. Known examples of those creams include clotrimazole (Lotrimin), butoconazole (Femstat 3), and terconazole (Terazol 3). Preventing the growth of several kinds of fungi is what clotrimazole does and it's perfect for vaginal thrush and similar infections. Butoconazole and terconazole have similar functions. You don't have to worry if you are quite confused about these things because your doctor will be there to help you out.

Check Out Tablets & Suppositories

While some choose to make use of those antifungal products that are usually in the form of gels and creams, there are those who prefer tablets or suppositories. Did you know that you can make use of tea tree oil vaginal suppositories once a week or once a month? Same is true with boric acid vaginal suppositories. Certain antifungal creams are also available in tablet and suppository form such as terconazole (Terazol) and clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex. Other available tablets are miconazole (Monistat; Micatin) and nystatin (Mycostatin). These things are other means on how to cure Candida yeast infection.

Going For Oral Medications

The well-known oral medication that many woman can utilize is fluconazole (Diflucan). For those wanting to know how to cure Candida yeast infection using this method you should take 150 milligrams of fluconazole orally each month or each week, depending on what your doctor suggests. However, several women prefer the tablets or suppositories and the creams than the oral antifungal medications. This is because of the side effects brought by the latter, which include headache and abdominal pain.

A medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and former yeast infection sufferer has devised a system which guarantees to completely eliminate and cure you of all types of yeast infection fast by using a simple, 5 step plan.

By: Dawn Thompson

Natural Cures For Recurring Yeast Infection-simple Treatment For Candida

Are you tired of living with the symptoms of vaginal candida infection? The painful symptoms include abdominal pain, a burning or tingling sensation, itching, certain pain during sex, irregular menstrual flow and discharge. Some women suffer more from these symptoms than others. That's why many women seek out natural cures for recurring yeast infection. If there's something worse than vaginal thrush, that would be recurring vaginal thrush!

But why go natural? Well, it's because most natural treatment options are not only safe and effective but are also cheap or cost-free since they are already available at your home or that they only require some effort from you.

The following are some of the natural cures for recurring yeast infection in the vagina:

* Make use of tea tree oil, yogurt and other home remedies.

Products or items that are readily found in your kitchen and refrigerator may serve as keys to eliminating the painful symptoms of candida and eventually, the said infection itself. For instance, yogurt contains healthy bacteria that can kill off the excess microscopic yeast fungi. It can be consumed or applied topically.

* Switch to a healthier diet plan.

Did you know that what you eat (and not eat) can serve as natural cures for recurring yeast infection? Perhaps you have learned that there are foods that are known to feed the yeast fungi, making those microorganisms grow more and faster. Processed meat and sugary foods are some examples of such foods, the kind that you should avoid.

* Relieve yourself from unnecessary stress.

It's not good to keep stress in your system. Look for some stress reduction techniques like massage therapy, yoga and meditation. Perhaps going out of town or having a movie marathon with your friends can help. Stress is a contributing factor to hormonal imbalance, which is linked with the development and repeated infections of candida.

* Try herbal remedies.

Aside from home remedies that can provide aid in getting rid of Candidiasis and its symptoms, natural cures for recurring yeast infection can include herbal remedies. These are certain herbs that contain nutrients and antifungal properties used in fighting off the yeast fungi. Peppermint, barberry, oregano oil and garlic are few examples.

These natural cures for recurring yeast infection in the vagina can be extremely effective and most importantly, can be more effective than over the counter medication.

A medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and former yeast infection sufferer has devised a system which guarantees to completely eliminate and cure you of all types of yeast infection fast by using a simple, 5 step plan.

By: Dawn Thompson

Natural Remedies For Candida Infection-methods To Cure Yeast Overgrowth

Do you want to learn some natural remedies for Candida infection? Perhaps you have had enough of the annoying symptoms that Candidiasis has brought on your life. It's not something to look forward to in the first place. You can go for medications immediately but there are certain natural remedies that you can look at first which can be more economical as well as effective.

The Candida infection or vaginal thrush as some would call it is something that you should take seriously and if you are willing to try natural remedies, here are some of the things that you can do:


You may have known that yogurt contains healthy bacteria. Candidiasis is a result of yeast overgrowth in the vagina. The solution: add more healthy bacteria that can counteract the excess yeast fungi. Eating 1-2 cups of yogurt a day or dipping a tampon in plain, unsweetened yogurt and inserting it into your vagina will help you fulfill that goal.

Eating habits.

Making dietary changes can be one of the most effective natural remedies for Candida infection. You may wonder how? It has something to do with the link between hormonal imbalance and your eating habits. Certain foods and drinks that you consume contribute to hormonal imbalance and studies have shown certain link between hormonal imbalance and the development of vaginal yeast infection. Not only that, there are certain food items that feed the yeast fungi and you should try to avoid eating those.

Apple cider vinegar.

When it comes to natural remedies for Candida infection, apple cider vinegar can be an effective choice. This particular product readily available at most homes is used to treat several health complications and alleviate certain symptoms. One thing that you should keep in mind is to make use of apple cider vinegar properly.

Stress reduction techniques.

Stress is also linked with hormonal imbalance which is linked with vaginal thrush and in order to regulate the production of hormones in the body, stress must be eliminated as much as possible. Certain stress reduction techniques like meditation, yoga and massage therapy can help you with that.

Tea tree oil.

Just like yogurt and apple cider vinegar, this is one of those natural remedies for Candida infection. Try putting a few drops of tea tree oil into your bathwater and soak your whole body in it. The antioxidant and antifungal properties present in that particular oil will fight off the excess yeast fungi.

There are other natural remedies for Candida infection that you can check out. All you need is a little researching. Just make sure that whatever treatment option that is; it's safe and pretty much effective.

A medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and former yeast infection sufferer has devised a system which guarantees to completely eliminate and cure you of all types of yeast infection fast by using a simple, 5 step plan.

By: Dawn Thompson

Yeast Infection Tricks And Hints

Do you want some useful vaginal yeast infection tricks? First, you have to make sure first that you indeed have this type of infection (also known as Candida) because that particular infection can be confused with bacterial vaginosis. The main difference between the two is the latter is caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the vagina while the former is caused by the overgrowth of the yeast fungi. Both vaginal infections may cause similar symptoms and may share similar treatment options but it's still best if you know exactly what kind of complication you have. Go and consult with your obstetrician/gynecologist if you are unsure.

Your OB/GYN will recommend to you several treatment options for Candida. However, if you want to try other yeast infection tricks, you can do so once you know what you are dealing with. Here are some of the most effective tricks you may want to explore:

The tea tree oil treatment

There are two ways of using tea tree oil as one of your yeast infection tricks and treatments. First is by putting a few drops of tea tree oil into your bathwater and soaking yourself into it for a certain period of time. Another way is to use diluted tea tree oil as a topical treatment, which means that you can apply it to that vaginal area. Tea tree oil has this particular compound called terpinen-4-ol that is responsible for the said oil's antioxidant and anti-fungal properties.

The apple cider vinegar remedy

Aside from tea tree oil, another known home remedy and should be included as one of your vaginal yeast infection tricks is none other than the apple cider vinegar. The treatment is somehow similar to that of tea tree oil wherein you can put a few drops of apple cider vinegar into your bathwater and that you have to soak yourself in it. You can look for other details on how to make use of the apple cider vinegar remedy.

The yogurt cure

Your list of yeast infection tricks won't be complete without eating plain, unsweetened yogurt or applying that yogurt to the vaginal area. Try to consume 1-2 cups of yogurt daily. When it comes to topical treatment using yogurt, soak a tampon in the yogurt and leave in place for a couple of hours.

Other yeast infection tricks that you can also try are making dietary changes and using condoms. You should also avoid douching because that can actually promote the overgrowth of yeast in your vagina. Moreover, make it a habit to wear cotton underwear most, if not all, of the time.

A medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and former yeast infection sufferer has devised a system which guarantees to completely eliminate and cure you of all types of yeast infection fast by using a simple, 5 step plan.

By: Dawn Thompson

Pcos Diet - The Most Significant Aspect To Change To Cure Pcos

Its probably not a secret to you, in case you are here reading this article, that PCOS is a kind of endocrine disorder which may strike you at nearly any time in your life.
It's also probably known to you already what PCOS is and what is believed to cause it--an inability to manage glucose and also an insulin intolerance within the body.

Most of these elements combined may cause an ailment in the human body where the ovaries begin to function less and to create symptoms that are difficult for you to live with.

Some of the things that your PCOS could potentially cause are:

*Excessive hair growth
*Cramping and Discomfort
*Multiple ovarian cysts

The single most significant part of PCOS and making an effort to manage it will be your eating habits. A PCOS diet needs to be effectively controlled and the most important aspect is to eliminate many different things from regular eating habits that will be causative agents for most of the complications. Given that insulin intolerance is probably the major part of PCOS, a PCOS diet might be able to reduce some of the symptoms.

PCOS is actually the most typical endrocrine system ailment and the start of it normally brings you warning signs which are where one or two cysts start to grow on the ovaries.

Symptoms are plentiful for PCOS and most of these are generally managed by a PCOS diet.

PCOS diet requirements are generally going to be geared at assisting you to get slimmer, but even more, they're going to also take away the likelihood of further problems that you will see from your insulin resistance, such as early adult onset of diabetes.
Lowering your fat ingestion and keeping away from carbs, particularly processed foods is just about the easiest ways to help you implement a PCOS diet.

Carbohydrates are not as easily uptaken through the human body when you're insulin resistant. It is best for you to steer clear and to eat more natural foods with increased fiber.
Fresh fruits and greens will be perfect for people who are insulin resistant. Nuts, berries, fresh vegetables and fewer processed foods will be the order of the day.

By: Karen Marie Kalata

Butt Exercises - Exercises To Tone And Shape Your Butt

If you are not in shape then you are not ready for the summer. Are you dreading the thought of getting your butt into a bikini? Try out some of the simple exercises listed in this article to tone and shape your butt.

• Walking Lunges: Stand upright with your feet apart at your hip width. Keep your arms straight and hold a pair of dumbbells. Move forward taking a large step, lower your body in such a way that the knee is aligned with your ankle and the back knee almost touches the floor.

Using your back foot push off, with the other foot move forward again taking a large step. Take at least 15-20 steps in the same way. Turn around when you are done and then repeat the process. When lowering your body contract your gluteus.

• Extension Step Ups: With your palms facing the sides of your body, hold dumbbells. Keep your arms straight and step behind a high step, about 6-12 inches high. With the right foot step up onto the high step, lift your left knee to hip height. With your left foot step down and repeat with your right side.

• Bent Leg Reverse Kick Up: Get down on your knees and hands on a mat, raise the left leg parallel to the floor. Allow your knee to bend slightly and let you right leg and arms support your body. Contract your butt while lifting your left leg towards the ceiling. Keep your knee slightly bent. Slowly go back to the position you started with and repeat with your right side. If you would like to make the exercise a little more difficult then use an ankle weight on the working leg.

• Lying Gluteus Lift: Lie down on the floor with the knees bent. Use your arms to support yourself. Contract your gluteus lift upwards in a motion projecting the hips towards the ceiling. Lower your hips again and stop before you touch the floor. When you move upwards exhale and inhale when you return to the position you started with.

• Smith Machine Rear Squat: You can either use free weights or a Smith machine for this exercise. Place the bar of the machine across your back; do not rest it on your neck. Keep a shoulder distance between your feet. Ensure you keep the knees behind your toes throughout the exercise and don’t arch the back. Lower the weight, contract your gluteus and stop when you knees reach a 90 degree angle. Return to the first position and repeat the process. Remember to exhale when lowering the weights and exhale when you go back.

• Cycling: Riding a bike can help you shape your thighs, hips and gluteus. To tone your gluteus, use your heel to push the pedal down and pull the pedal up during the upswing, this ensures that the entire leg is involved in the workout. Also try lifting your butt upwards, contract and pedal slowly for brief periods.

By: Healthy_Women

Cure Vaginal Yeast Infections Naturally

Vaginal Yeast Infections telltale signs - a thick white discharge, itching, pain during sexual intercourse and a burning sensation during urination. Yeast affected disease can effectively be cured by various home remedies. The nature's wonderful gifts can help us a lot in this regard.

1. Boric Acid Capsules: Boric acid possess mild antiseptic and anti fungal properties that can cure the infection. One capsule of boric acid should be inserted into the vagina every night to reduce the irritating symptoms.

2. Blow dry your private area. Accomplish this by lifting a leg and blowing warm air between your legs. Be sure to focus on your pubic hair. It's the moisture from this area that often causes yeast infections. Make this process a part of your regular shower and bath routine until you see results.

3. The garlic that you would require for this infection home remedy should be fresh and NOT processed. You can get the garlic from your local grocery stores but just make sure that it is FRESH. Fresh garlic is the key to this yeast infection home remedy.

4. Commonly used vaginal yeast infection natural remedies include - garlic, oregano oil, "live yoghurt", apple cider vinegar, buttermilk or curd made from goats' milk, tea tree oil, etc. These are all inexpensive ingredients. They produce no side effects, they do not harm your body and they help kill the underlying cause of the infection.

5. Include two glasses of butter milk in your daily diet. Every night before going to bed drink one glass of buttermilk. This helps in destruction of the infection causing yeast. If taken regularly it can reduce the chances of infection.

6. Eat this yogurt at least once a day. By consuming it, the culture (lactobacillus acidophilus) in it will absorb into your blood stream and go to work.

7. Yeast Infection Natural Remedies treat the underlying cause of the infection and also helps in removing toxins and impurities from the body. Antibiotics simply masks the infection or temporarily cures the infection - only to flare up again in a couple of months as unlike natural remedies they do not kill the root cause of the infection.

By: zechong cai

Stem Cell Breast Augmentation

Many women wish to enlarge their breasts’ size. Breast augmentation surgery is costly and in spite of technological advances - such as transumbilical breast augmentation, a technique used to insert saline breast implants through an incision near belly button to avoid scarring near breasts - has many risks. In most cases, breast augmentation is still performed under general anesthesia. The recovery process after the surgery is painful and lengthy: the patient is usually able to return to work in one to two weeks, but a full recovery requires at least a month.

Considering the demand for breast enlargement if there was a safer and less invasive option many more women would have their bust lines enlarged.

The newly introduced, natural breast augmentation is such a method: it is safe, minimally invasive and it actually costs less. It is becoming popular under several names: natural breast augmentation and / or stem cell breast augmentation. (Don’t worry about the stem cell controversy: the procedure uses the patient’s own stem cells!) The bottom line: it is the first, safe breast augmentation. Why is it safe? The main challenge of breast augmentation has always been the choice of implants. Silicone implants which provide the more natural effect have been investigated for a number of years for their long term impact on women’s health. (The most recent concern links them to lymphatic cancer.) Saline implants are safer and yet, fewer patients feel comfortable with them. Both types of currently used implants introduce foreign substances into the woman’s body. The natural breast augmentation doesn’t: it uses the woman’s own fatty tissue (from a different area of her body) to augment her breasts.

It is - of course - a simplified explanation of a process which is much more involved. In reality natural breast augmentation relies on the stem cell technology. The fat is being liposuctioned from one area; the stem cells are then separated from the fat’s tissue, concentrated and then injected back into the fat which is then ready to be introduced into the patient’s breasts. Because the implanted material is the patient’s own there is no risk of rejection, adverse reaction, or allergy which can occur when the implants are made of a foreign substance. The technology behind the process is complex. As far as the patient is concerned however the procedure is gentle and minimally invasive. With the new refined methods available, the doctor uses a miniature cannula (a metal, tubular instrument with a diameter as tiny as the tip of a pen!) to prevent scarring. The procedure doesn’t involve general anesthesia, a scalpel, or stitches and is performed at the doctor’s office.

In some cases, it may be possible to have the fat harvested (liposuctioned) and grafted (re-injected) in one procedure performed under a local anesthesia, in a doctor’s office. In others, the doctor may advise two separate treatments to make the procedure less taxing for the patient’s body and to speed up healing. Since the procedure is minimally invasive and the trauma to the body is minimal the recovery usually requires up to a week.

To sum it up, natural breast augmentation produces natural and satisfying results without the typical risks of breast enlargement surgery. It doesn’t require the implantation of foreign materials into the patient’s body, relying instead on autotransplantation (transplanting the patient’s own tissue). The procedure itself is minimally invasive and scalpel-free. Stem cell breast augmentation is a natural breast augmentation option. It is the first safe and patient-friendly method for increasing breasts’ size.

By: Dr. Pejman Bahari

How To Deal With Stretch Marks Build Up

The middle layer of the skin known as dermis as stretched beyond its elastic ability, it breaks down. At first, when the dermis breaks down blood capillaries which supply blood to this layer as well breaks down when hemorrhage happens. This is the reason when initially stretch marks are developed they appear pink in shade. This breakage heals overtime and results in stretch marks. Now tell us about the different conditions which regularly trigger stretch marks.

There are 2 major causes for growth of tearing of dermis. One among them is stretching of the skin past its normal elasticity . The different cause is deficiency of adequate natural elasticity of the pores and skin in many people. It isn't just pregnancy or sudden weight gain which bring about stretch marks. One would also see stretch marks in people who has normal growth.. So in the event you desire to prevent or get rid of stretch marks, first you need to be conscious of the reasons for their development. So you sould know the key cause for the tearing in the skin, is it due to improve in weight, fast muscle developement, pregnancy, rapid fats acumulation, or is it simply the lack of ability of the dermis to stretch out and stretch well.

The commonest reason for the formation of stretch marks we see is swift and abrupt stretching of the middle layer of skin on account of sudden weight acquire and/or pregnancy. Second reason the place we see stretch marks developing with none rapid stretch of the dermis however attributable to lack of ability of the dermis to stretch with growth. There are many ways to prevent stretch marks and should you are not able to prevent them due to any cause, you may certainly cover them using masking make-up. Getting rid of stretch marks is the hardest step in coping with them.

Now, you know stretch marks actually develop because of the breaking of the center layer of the skin known as dermis. You also now know the explanations for tearing up and therapeutic of the center layer of the skin. But what are the widespread causes for stretching of dermis and forming of stretch marks. Rapid stretching of the dermis usually occur in pregnancy, fast growth during adolescence, throughout swift weight gain, during rapid muscle building. Hormonal exercise/inactivity, despair, stress, and malnutrition are additionally thought-about to be secondary causes for developement of stretch marks. The diploma of the stretch marks developed is determined by the natural elasticity of the dermis and that is cause not all girls get stretch marks during pregnancy.

Learn how to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks might be dealth with in three different steps. The first one is preventing stretch marks when there's a chance of creating stretch marks like in being pregnant, intentional weight reduction, and puberty. The second step together with protecting the stretch marks when preventing methods were not identified beforehand and you are already with stretch marks and removing of stretch marks takes time. Third is remedy where you use completely different strategies like dermabrasion, chemical peeling, laser treatment and cosmetic surgical procedure with different share of success.

By: Dritthis

What Is Pmdd (premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)

If you find yourself with some extreme cases of PMS or PMT as it is also known then you might actually have another disorder called PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). You might already know this or suspect it, but do you know what it really is? Is it just some new disorder created by the pharmaceutical companies to push more of their drugs? Or is it a real condition that needs serious attention?

My view is that it IS a serious issue for women who suffer from this condition whether some people believe it or not! If you have PMDD, or even very intense PMS/PMT then you really do need to know more about it because there are quite a few problems this condition creates in your life such as:

* Causing damage to your relationships with friends and family
* Destroying mental health with depression and anxiety
* Bringing about physical pain and lethargy
* May also be linked to other menstrual disorder
* And of course, making you feel like you are not in control anymore!

So if you want to know more, what is PMDD besides this long title of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

Well, at its core, PMDD is an endocrine (hormonal) disorder that leads to many symptoms of a psychological and physical nature. Interestingly PMDD has only been properly classified as a separate condition form PMS for a few years at the time of writing this. Even with the American Psychiatric Association listing it as a disorder there is still some confusion and often disbelief from medical professionals and the general public making this a difficult problem to face and even harder to overcome at time. Some women never mange to beat it because they are told constantly that it is just a bad case of PMS and they should just 'get over it' - which is insulting and shameful.

PMDD is like a much worse PMS and is caused by the changes in hormones of your body in the last week or two of the menstrual cycle. Your hormones become unbalanced which leads to knock on effects in your body that are still being studied. What is known is that this hormonal imbalance causes the mood regulators in the brain to not work properly which leads to the mental instability, irrational anger, depression and other psychological issues.

PMDD in short, is a disorder that you do not want to experience, and requires you to rebalance the hormones in your body to become stable and healthy again.

By: Jane Pritchard

Natural Pcos Treatment - Maybe There Is A Cure For This Heart Rendering Ailment?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be described as condition that affects women of nearly any age. PCOS hurts a woman's chances of getting pregnant and additionally comes with a number of troublesome problems from growth of unwanted body hair, weight change, and also a change in menstruation. Additionally, it can contribute to rising numbers of miscarriages – which is one of the most serious issues.

Women with PCOS can certainly attempt to treat their problem with prescription medication but it could be hit or miss. The side effects which come through using the prescription medication is usually undesired. This is why most women choose natural remedies to fight PCOS. But can a natural PCOS treatment work? Can it actually benefit women living with inability to conceive?

Studies have shown that women who have experienced problems getting pregnant because of PCOS increased their chances as a result of bettering their lifestyle and diet. The main reason for this ailment is an imbalance in hormones. PCOS occurs whenever testosterone levels begin to build up to levels higher than normal.

By exercising, choosing a well-balanced diet, and losing weight, it will restore the equilibrium within your body and additionally fend off the issues of PCOS. By eating additional protein, drinking adequate water, as well as keeping away from unhealthy foods (along with excessive salt, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol), you will be taking steps to deal with PCOS.

Health supplements such as a good multivitamin, essential anti-oxidants, and minerals will go a long way as part of your PCOS cure as well. The majority of women don't get the nutrients they need each day. Through supplementing, you'll be able to help get yourself on the path to becoming healthier and stronger, having more energy, and boosting your weight reduction program.

Several natural herbs can also help fight the negative impacts of PCOS. This can include licorice which helps regulate hormones, saw palmetto which prevents unwanted testosterone from forming, rhodiola, which helps egulate your adrenal glands, and tribulus, which can help bring your menstruation back to a normal schedule.

These are just some of the many herbal remedies which will aid in your PCOS treatment. It is recommended that you see an herbalist as well as seek advice from a medical professional before consuming any of these herbal remedies as certain medications and conditions might be complicated as a result of taking them.

There are many, may cases of women of all ages that have used an all natural PCOS treatment and have conceived as a result. The real key to fighting PCOS is making the necessary lifestyle changes through good nutrition, regular exercise, decreasing emotional stress, and losing excessive weight.

By: Karen Marie Kalata

Bacterial Vaginosis- Doctors Have No Permanent Cure

When many of us realize that we have a smell that is coming from our vaginal area we look to try to find remedies that will help cure it quickly. There are many different reasons that one might suffer from a foul vaginal smell. The number one reason seems to be bacterial vaginosis. You will find that this happens with the natural bacteria become imbalanced. This can happen from a poor diet, antibiotic use, pills for birth control, and more. You will find that this odor is likely going to have a smell that is stronger after you have had intercourse.

When a doctor prescribes you antibiotics you will find that they kill all bacteria that you have in your vagina instead of working to help make sure that a normal balance of bacteria is restored. Since both bacteria are being destroyed it will seem as though the problem has resolved.

Doctors are not able to understand the exact reason that bacterial vaginosis happens. All they know how to do is keep prescribing antibiotics until it seems to go away. In some cases this could take many different treatments of many different antibiotics and this in and of itself could be a problem with causing bacterial vaginosis.

If you are looking for a cure that is easy you should know that you can observe your own health, hygiene, and lifestyle to help with being able to identify the real reason that you suffer with a horrible smell caused by BV. Some of the reasons that are the most common at putting you at a risk that is higher than most are as follows:


*New sexual partner

* Sex that is unprotected

*Douching too much

*Washing too much

* Other vaginal complications

*Hormone changes that occur after and during pregnancy

*Antibiotics and Oral Contraceptives



Once you are able to understand the reason you are developing bacterial vaginosis you will surely be able to find a natural remedy that will help you with being able to rid yourself of this embarrassing and smelly condition. The internet is a great place for one to start their search of natural remedies that are sure to help them rid themselves of this condition for good. Once you have rid yourself of BV you will need to make sure that you use natural methods to help with preventing BV if you don’t want to end up contracting this condition again.

By: Steven Sea

How To Treat Vaginal Thrush Naturally At Home

Perhaps you are wondering how to treat vaginal thrush naturally. If you have vaginal yeast infection, then you know you must do something especially if it's recurring. Candidiasis or vaginal thrush adds to the modern woman's burden. Many ladies tend to get infected with this type of vaginal infection at some point in their lives. Candidiasis is brought about by an overgrowth in yeast fungi. Those microscopic organisms have outnumbered the healthy bacteria in your vagina causing the development of the said infection. Hormonal changes and hormonal imbalance play a bit of a role in contributing to this yeast overgrowth as well as over zealous cleaning of the vagina and other various conditions.

There are several tips and methods on how to treat vaginal thrush naturally that you should learn. Take a look at these examples:

Water treatment

Perhaps the most natural treatment is the water treatment. It's easy to forget the whole essence of water especially if you have access to a certain lineup of drinks like juice, soda, coffee and alcoholic beverages. But still, nothing beats the healthy benefits that pure and natural drinking water can offer. While water may not be the ultimate treatment for most ailments including vaginal thrush, it can at least help. It's like unlocking the first stage of a game. You know you won't be able to get past through the final stage and win the entire game if you can't pass the first stage. In this case, water treatment can be your first stage in treating vaginal thrush.

Dietary changes

Do you want to know how to treat vaginal thrush naturally? Then make some dietary changes as soon as possible. What you eat can contribute to the development of vaginal yeast infection. There are certain foods that are known to feed yeast and those food items should be avoided. Some examples include processed foods (like white flour), sweets, processed dairy products, caffeinated drinks, alcoholic beverages, sauces and some types of condiments.


Have you heard about the healing effects of honey? Well, you can use that to treat vaginal thrush. All you have to do is apply some honey on the outer areas of your vagina. Leave that for about fifteen minutes. Afterwards, you should wash the said vaginal areas with warm water and that's it.

Those are three means on how to treat vaginal thrush naturally. These natural treatment options can help you save some money since you won't have to buy medications or products from your local pharmacy. What you need to use are already there at your kitchen or inside your refrigerator.

A medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant and former yeast infection sufferer has devised a system which guarantees to completely eliminate and cure you of all types of yeast infection fast by using a simple, 5 step plan.

By: Dawn Thompson

Get Rid Of A Zit

Zits are not a good thing to get. They always seem to ruin the moment. Waking up the morning before your first date and you look in the mirror and staring right back at you is this big zit! Or it's school picture day, prom, or a wedding. Whatever the case is, zits always seem to ruin it. So you want to know how to get rid of a zit when you get one, so you can get rid of your zit as soon as possible.

It becomes very simple once you know how to get rid of a zit fast. Try a couple of the techniques and see what works best for you. Everyone is different and everyone has different reactions to the methods described. If one technique doesn't work, just try another. Lots of people have gotten rid of zits overnight just by experimenting and finding out what their bodies respond to.

First off, a good step could be getting rid of factors CONTRIBUTING to your acne. If I told you how to get rid of a zit, and then you kept doing things to sabotage your face, then it'd be no good, right? So here's what to do. First off, stop using abrasive and heavy-duty face washes. Many acne sufferers have what dermatologists call "intolerant" or "sensitive" skin. By using highly-concentrated salicylic acid washes or scrubs, you're drying out and irritating your skin. So switch to a gentler face wash (but not a soap!

Having a healthy lifestyle for example, exercising will help in opening up the pores of your skin. This helps the skin breathe and reduces clogging of dirt on your skin, especially the face. Exercise also helps reduces stress which is another common reason to why zits appear. Exercises that are recommended are: 30 minutes brisk walking, running, stretching, jogging or swimming.

If you have a very big zit, you can put an ice pack on it every 30 minutes and hold it there for at least two minutes. This will prevent swelling and redness and also prevent the area from becoming inflamed.Another thing you could do, is to make a paste of orange peels with water and apply on the face. Zits will disappear within 2 days.

The soggy gel from Aloe Vera plant is also a very much natural remedy against a skin condition. The enzyme-rich gel has very much caring anti-provocative and anti-bacterial properties. It can also be used on the inside and helps stabbing and detox the digestive surrounding area.

Conventional medicine tells us that there is no cure for acne but this view has been turned on its head. While dermatologists treat the symptoms of the problem, practitioners of "natural" medicine believe that acne is caused by a number of underlying factors that inter-react, creating the problem. Only by addressing the problem as a whole and treating each and every one of these factors, can you cure acne.

For some people washing your neck, back and face can have positive results. For other people increased washing can make matters worse. Figure out which works for you by experimenting with your washing schedule until you get it right.

If you want to know how to get rid of a zit in 2 days, then you can also follow another effective method - exfoliate the skin around the pimple to remove clumps of oil, dirt and dead cells. Using effective antibacterial substance like triclosan not only kills the pimple causing bacteria, but also prevents the pimples from spreading. Using effective anti inflammatory substances such as allantoin eliminates redness and swelling from around the pimple.

By: Carine Taleen

Laugh Away Your Stress

Watching the news, pressure at the workplace, trying to get things done at home, money problems and family worries are just some of the common factors that build up huge stress in your body which can lead to ill health. You need to slow down a little before you end up having heart problems, and ill health which is definitely going to happen if you do not relieve these pressures. There are lots of ways to reduce stress in your life and tons of information online regarding the subject as well. The real answer is simple. Laugh your stress away the natural healthy way!

No doubt you have heard the saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and this is certainly true in every sense of the word. To stay healthy it is vital to find ways to release stress and laughter is certainly at the top of the list. Laughter is the built in stress relief valve that everyone has. When you are laughing then your whole body is working to improve your health and well being. It has been found that laughter and exercise are similar in the way that stress is relieved. When you laugh and exercise then your body increases endorphins which are hormones that make you feel great. At the same time laughter increases the ability of the body to use oxygen and cleanses the lungs. Scientists have said that a good hearty laugh is the equivalent to an internal jog.

Laughter also helps to reduce pain while relieving stress because you are temporarily distracted from your pain while laughing. When you want to relieve stress, feel unhealthy, or just want to let go, then laughter is the best medicine of all. No matter what mood you are in there are many ways to get a good laugh. Read comic strips. Go watch a great comedy at the movies, read one of the funny emails your buddies send you instead of always deleting them, or visit humorous sites on the internet. These are just a few examples. Bottled up stress is unhealthy, and using laughter and exercise are the best ways to offload some of it.

Laughter is not only a way of relieving stress but a powerful health enhancing force in your body. Laughter stimulates your brain, the nervous system, hormones and muscular system. Believe it or not by having a good laugh also reduces blood pressure, builds up your immune system, and as we mentioned above is the most natural and powerful way to relieve stress. If you see someone that is feeling pressured or run down the best medicine you can give them is a good laugh.

When you start feeling stress from all the technology; the tons of tasks that never seem to get done, and from watching too much bad news, then step back and have a good laugh at it all. You will be amazed to find that things really do not look as bad then. This is Good healthy natural medicine that does not come in a bottle.

By: Richard Lifeswayz

Acnt: Massage Therapy

Before anything else, one should pass certifications and board exams in order to be accepted in both orthodox and naturopathic institutions like hospitals, physical therapy clinics, cruise, spa, ships, and resorts. Ethical and professional practice are needed to keep the standards of the massage therapy field at a high level.

Massage therapy, in a nutshell, is an essential treatment which helps patients to recover from specific physical injuries. Furthermore, it is also an effective therapy when it comes to alleviating frequent pains like that of a migraine, back pain, and joint pain. Massage therapy is very much needed in treating these ailments. A massage therapist makes use of her knowledge and the particular treatment so as to help the patient get well—it is for this reason that a deep understanding of the human anatomy and its scientific principles is very important.

Only by attending a massage college can a student help herself to understand these principles. Many colleges or universities have associate and diploma programs that can readily be taken by anyone interested in a massage therapy certification. Licensing exams are also being offered that will serve as the passage way for a massage therapy student to be recognized in several massage therapy associations.

Graduates of a course very close to a massage therapy program can be qualified to work as a therapist in different establishments like hospitals, acupuncture, physical therapy clinic etc.

Now, if you reside in Australia and think you are interested or passionate about natural healing or massage therapy, then it will be a wise decision to pursue a degree in Massage therapy in leading universities like ACNT. Having a degree in natural healing will point you the direction to a very satisfying career in the healing arts.

Australasian College of Natural Therapies was established in 1982 to meet the growing public demand in all aspects of natural medicine.

ACNT has now grown to become the premier college of natural medicine in Australia training over 2,000 students per year from all over the world.

By: Robert Foster

The Reasons To Take Arthritis Natural Medicine

Arthritis is among the most widespread diseases that affect men and women today. It is known that as much as 15 % of the population in America are suffering from the condition, and that a lot more are at danger of developing one of more than one hundred types of arthritis. It doesn't choose by gender or race, and sometimes not even by age. Almost anyone can be suffering from it.

Since it is so common, lots of studies have been put into finding the root reasons for the different types of arthritis. In spite of this, in practically all cases, no cure has been discovered. Instead, individuals with arthritis must be satisfied with treatments that relieve the pain and inflammation instead. Even though this seems like a stopgap measure, it's also the most effective way currently available to deal with the condition.

Arthritis natural medicine is among the methods available to treat arthritis. This ranges from herbal medicines, to folk remedies, as well as other types of treatment that are generally not fully accepted by modern medicine. Is arthritis natural medicine worth turning to for pain relief however? Here are a few of the benefits that arthritis natural medicine offers those with arthritis.

1. Few harmful side-effects. This is among the main reasons that men and women consider arthritis natural medicine. A good portion of effective conventional arthritis treatments unfortunately have side-effects; people turn to arthritis natural medicine to prevent further complicating their lives by adding additional discomfort.

2. Often encourage complete well-being and health. As natural medicine often uses herbs and methods which are natural, these techniques and remedies are often also great for the general well-being of those taking them. Many types of natural medicine in fact treat arthritis by making the entire body healthy in addition to relieving the pain that arthritis causes.

3. Many choices for treatment. Arthritis natural medicine covers an array of treatment options, and a practitioner of natural medicine often knows of numerous different treatments available in order to ease arthritis pain. This gives individuals who are afflicted by arthritis options that conventional medicine sometimes cannot provide, based on the specific variety of arthritis.

Arthritis natural medicine is frequently belittled because of not having enough evidence of its usefulness, but many practitioners of natural medicine allow their patients to convey of how effective the therapy was. Even conventional medicine has recognized that possibly natural medicine holds some answers for the management of arthritis, and much more testing to verify the efficacy of arthritis natural medicine are now being done, hoping that an effective remedy can be found and confirmed. Which benefits people who suffer from this painful disease.

By: Meredith Walker

Homeopathy-a Natural Medicine

Homeopathy is a safe, natural form of medicine, based on the practice of treating like with like. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words homios, meaning like or similar, and italios, meaning suffering.

This technique is not considered natural by some. This is due to introducing a substance that was created in a lab as opposed to natural substances such as herbs, fiber or therapies. Homeopathy is not normally used with colon cleansing, body cleansing, or herbs. It is also safest to have experienced supervision.

Homeopathy is concerned with treating the whole person rather than the illness alone. The homeopath will consider the patient as a whole, both physically and psychologically, taking into account the patient's physical appearance, their likes, dislikes and their temperament. It is there fore a highly personalized form of treatment, so patients who apparently suffer from the same ill ness may be given advice for different medicines.

Homeopathy is a well established form of healing. Today many of the leading pharmaceutical companies are researching and mass-producing homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic medicines look very much like conventional medicines, are taken in the same way, but the way they work is entirely different.

The medicines are not synthetic and are derived from natural sources. Over 60% of homeopathic remedies are prepared from vegetable or plant materials. Other remedies are prepared from naturally occurring mineral substances, including metals, non-metallic substances, and mineral salts. Animal sources of homeopathic remedies include: Cuttlefish (the ink or juice provides sepia) and Honeybee.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by obtaining the remedy in its most concentrated form, and then, through a long process of dilution, by preparing a medicine whose potency is sufficient to effect a treatment. The potency describes the measure of the dilution of the remedy and is denoted by the number which follows the name of the medicine itself. The higher the number, the greater the dilution (up to one part remedy to one trillion parts dilutant).

Homeopathic remedies today are produced using the same dilution principles as in Hahnemann's day. In a common dilution of 1:100, one drop of the homeopathic substance is added to 99 drops of water and/or alcohol. The mixture is then potentized by a process called "succussion" - repeated tapping on a hard surface for a specific length of time. Remedies may be diluted up to 1000 times, leaving only an infinitesimal trace of the substance. Remedies are typically diluted 10, 100, or 1,000 times, which translate into potencies that are marked with the Roman numerals X, C, and M. Homeopathic remedies range from 6X as the lowest potency to 1M or more as the highest potency.

Remedies can be taken orally in pill, powder, or drop form, rubbed topically, or injected. There are usually no side effects from homeopathic treatments, but a patient can experience what is called a "healing aggravation," a temporary accentuation of symptoms. This is seen as a positive sign that the remedy is working. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a homeopath may choose an antidote, which produces the opposite effect of the remedy. The antidote may be another homeopathic remedy, or a strong substance, such as perfume, camphor, or coffee, which are known to block the effects of a remedy.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized homeopathic medicines as drugs since 1938, working with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention to produce and update their reference book of homeopathic medicines. Over the years, the FDA has classified homeopathic medicines as either prescription or more commonly as non-prescription (over-the-counter), depending on their strength. In the United Kingdom, homeopathic medicine has been part of the National Health Service (NHS) since it began in 1948. There are currently 5 homeopathic hospitals in the NHS. Homeopathic medicines are available over-the-counter or by prescription.

Always consult a practitioner before buying homeopathic remedies, and make sure that they are kept safe and out of the reach of all children.

Homeopathic treatment is practiced by fully qualified Health Practitioners who understand the philosophy of homeopathic medicine's well as patients' emotional and daily situations.

While some homeopathic medicines are readily available in both regular pharmacies and health stores, you MUST consult your homeopathic practitioner before attempting treatment for any serious ailment or illness.

If you are currently on medication for a serious medical or psychological condition, you should NOT stop taking your medication in order to start homeopathic treatment. Your practitioner will advise you on the best course of treatment, often working with your internist or therapist.

If you prefer more holistic or natural remedies, you might consider herbs, change of diet and body or colon cleansing. Many people have great success with this with less worry about side effects.

By: Sarah Silberman

Natural Medicine For Fibroids In The Uterus-simple Methods Can Work Best

One of the most dreaded words by women: hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the woman's uterus due to a medical condition that is considered a threat to the woman's health. The majority of hysterectomies in the United States are due to the presence of fibroids in the uterus. Hysterectomy is considered as one of the conventional methods of eliminating fibroids. Many women do not want to have a hysterectomy, so they choose to go for natural medicine for fibroids in the uterus. For them, it is guaranteed safe and non-invasive.

Fibroids are abnormal growths in the uterus, but are not cancerous. They are benign formations and do not increase the risk of developing cancer. The root cause of fibroid formation is unknown, but estrogen, most especially estradiol, promotes its rapid growth. Walnut-sized fibroids can balloon to bigger ones if there is a rich supply of estrogen in the body.

Doctors usually tell their patients that hysterectomy is the only choice to remove fibroids, but there is actually natural medicine for fibroids in the uterus. There are many natural herbs and plants that aid in reducing the size and number of fibroids. Some may even completely remove the fibroids with continued use.

Eating whole grains and beans are found to have a great effect in reducing the size of fibroids; and not only that, they also increase a woman's protection against endometrial and breast cancers. Strengthening the liver is also a great way of helping the body get rid of excess estrogen.

Another natural medicine for fibroids in the uterus can be liver-friendly herbs. Milk thistle, dandelion, and yellow dock root all help to strengthen the liver. Frequent use of vitex also helps to shrink fibroid size. Warm castor oil pack and ginger compresses on the belly aid to relieve pain from fibroids, and they also help to shrink them. The use of birth control pills also increases the estrogen levels in a woman, so it is best if these are avoided. Organic food is also more beneficial, as pesticide-treated food can also increase the estrogen in the body.

Natural medicine for fibroids in the uterus is considered very helpful. Many women are thankful because they don't have to undergo a hysterectomy to treat their fibroids. Going the natural way ensures minimal or no side effects at all. If you find out that you have fibroids, it isn't really the end of the world. There are many alternative methods and natural medicines to treat them and they are safe.

If you would like to learn strategies to help you to naturally treat uterine fibroids, then there is a system which can really help.

By: Carrie Holmes

Friday, October 28, 2011

Permanent Migraine & Headache Relief W/o Weakening Drugs

There are 3 common kinds of headaches.

1. Sick Headache. This type of headache occurs if undigested food stays in the stomach, during times of increased stress, if there is a disordered liver, or when there is mental or physical overwork. In women, disorders of menstruation may cause a sick headache.


Drink a cupful of hot water, adding the juice of a lemon, but no sweetening.

2. Bilious Headache. Caused from indigestion, disordered liver, overheating, wrong food combinations, and insufficient exercise. People who overeat of rich heavy foods and take little or no exercise at all are the frequent suffers of this type of headache. Unless the diet is changed and a regular exercise program established, this may develop into a chronic type of headache.


Dull pain in the forehead, throbbing temples.


Avoid all harmful articles of diet. Herbal laxatives initially, to cleanse the colon, may be helpful in bilious headaches. Often the stomach is overloaded when the headache comes on. If this is the case use an emetic.

3. Nervous (Tension) Headache. Nervous people and those whose work is sedentary usually suffer from this form of headache, mental strain and worry will cause a nervous headache. Bright lights or noises of any kind usually make the headache worse


Holy thistle is such a good blood cleanser that drinking tea made from it 2 times a day will cure chronic headaches. Don't make the tea too strong though as it may cause vomiting.

The Herbs for Headaches

Red Sage:

One of the best remedies for a headache.

"Side Effects"

It soothes nerves and produces sleep.


It's one of the best nerve tonics there is. It's very quitting and soothing to the nerves.

"Side Effects"

It relieves aches and pains


Quieting and soothing to the nerves. Good for acid reflux and for inflammation of kidneys and bladder.

"Side Effects"

Good for acid reflux and for inflammation of kidneys and bladder.

By: Ben Branklin

Get Tight Vagina

The vagina is just like any muscle in the body. Over time, it can become loose and lose its elasticity. This is what has happened to you. From either childbirth or just growing older, your vagina has lost its elasticity. Things are looser down there and this makes for very not enjoyable sex.

The main reason why women opt for vagina tightening and toning is to restore it to its healthy and youthful state. As a healthy measure vagina should be taken care of right from youth so that your womanhood remains intact all through your life. In this article we are going to discuss some benefits and methods on how to keep your vagina tight and healthy.

The sexual pleasure which you derive from a tight vagina is very alluring, that is why men always fall madly in love to women with tight vagina after having intercourse with them. Therefore, every woman needs to tone and tighten her vagina.

Loose vagina problem is mostly faced by women who have given birth. During the delivery process the vagina is stretched to a very great level which makes it permanently loose. The relaxing of pelvic muscles during childbirth leads to loose vagina.

Women in Asia have been reaping the rich benefits of natural medicine for thousands of years but now in the age of the internet and globalization, people in the west have also been gaining interest in the use of herbs for improving their health.

Does size really matter, well this would depend on what we refer too. If we talk of a young child in a fight, then yes, because no toddler is able for the teen, or if you're hungry, then a small size food portion will not fill your belly. What on earth has this got to do with vaginas you may well ask.

It is a well known fact that men crave for women in their life who have a good healthy breast size and a tight vagina that is why men are attracted towards young girls in their early teens or twenties because they ought to have a tight vagina. The reason why men love a tight vagina.

A tighter vagina helps reach orgasms more easily as it offers more friction , while a male thrusts the vagina both the clitoris and labia move in the downward direction which helps in stimulating the clitoris resulting in an orgasm through intercourse. A loose vagina cannot offer this type of friction and tight thrusting.

First let us examine what are 3 things to do to keep a man, these things are very important because these are the 3 basic factors men complain about but do no tell you, they want you to discover it than telling it you.

You want to make your vagina tighter so you can have better sex and so you can also get some confidence back. Since your vagina has lost its elasticity, you are less confident and you feel like a part of you has been taken away. It is time that you got your body back in working order and that you made this happen today.

By: jack emerson

How To Deal With Summer Allergies

While the hazy days of summer are a delight to some, for others they bring weeks of relentless sneezes, sniffles and sore eyes.

Hayfever can drive those allergic to pollen crazy as symptoms build day after day with little respite. Here's a look at summer's most common allergy affliction and what its streaming victims can do to get some relief.

What is an allergic reaction?
Allergies kick in when our immune system reacts to what it perceives as a threat. In response it produces histamine in abundance. In the case of hay fever, the allergic reaction occurs when pollen particles come into contact with the lining of the nose.

The immune system detects a threat and goes all out to wash it out the way it came. As soon as pollen is airborne the hyper-vigilant immune system in question sends out a decree to "let the streaming commence."

Why summer?
Hay fever symptoms arise during the summer months because this is the time when pollen and spores are airborne. Rainy days can give relief as pollen and spores are washed to the ground and held captive in a damp environment before things dry up and they get to float around again.

Some hay fever sufferers find that their symptoms persist after the typical pollen season is over. Irritants like tobacco smoke, perfume and fluctuating temperatures can aggravate an already sensitive system and lead to continued irritation.

Barrier Methods
One natural method for dealing with allergies is to use a natural and inert oil like coconut, or almond oil, to protect the lining of the nose from direct contact with pollen or other airborne allergens.

For itching eyes, Ayurveda (the traditional Indian system of natural medicine) has a simple kitchen remedy. Soak a tablespoonful of coriander seeds in a cup of boiling water, cover and leave to cool. Once completely cool, dip a sterile gauze pad in the liquid and then lay back with it resting on your closed eyes.

The Stress Factor
Hay fever loves heat. Be it the weather, or our internal thermostat, symptoms thrive when we're running too hot. While it's not easy to keep cool, calm, and collected when everything is itching and irritated, stress is only going to make it worse.

Some sufferers find retreating to a cool showing or swimming pool gives a spell of relaxation and relief from relentless sneezing.

Immune Negotiations
If an immune system is responding to a "perceived" threat that is in reality harmless, one measure we can take to get some relief is to try and convince it that all is OK with the allergen in question.

Give yourself a Helping Hand
EFT is self-help acupressure technique that can settle the immune system and keep stress levels down. If you're sick of sneezing and reluctant to hoard up on antihistamines for the next 3 months, EFT May be just what you need to get relaxed and stop the sneezes.

By: Earl Reeves

Diabetes Complications & Cure

A diabetic person cannot make normal use of sugar, and so sugar builds up in the blood. The kidneys discharge some of the excess sugar in the urine. In severe cases of diabetes, fats and proteins cannot also be used normally.Whenever hypoglycaemia occurs, patient can have symptoms like palpitations, feeling shaky, sweating, tingling in the lips, going pale, heart pounding, rapid pulse rate, anxiety, confusion and irritability. These are just warning signs, however if we will not treat hypoglycaemia then patient can lead to coma and even death can occur.A major part of diabetes treatment involves the prevention of complications. Diabetes can cause serious damage to the cardiovascular system, eyes, and kidneys. The earlier the disease can be diagnosed the better because oftentimes the damage is occurring and the person is not even aware of it.When you have diabetes, knowing the signs of diabetes complications is crucial. The complications of diabetes vary from case to case as well as what type of diabetes you have. The following paragraphs will help you learn more about identifying diabetes complications.

Hypoglycaemia is characterized by blood sugar levels below 45mg/dl, however the level at which symptoms sets in varies from one diabetic to another. Poorly controlled diabetics tend to develop symptoms at a higher glucose levels while meticulously controlled diabetics have a lowering of symptomatic threshold and symptoms show only when blood sugar fall very low.The common causes are unpunctual or inadequate meals, unexpected or unusual exercise and ingestion of alcohol. Patients should be taught that if unusual exercise is anticipated the preceding dose of insulin should be reduced and extra carbohydrate ingested. All patients taking insulin should carry with them glucose tablets.

For chronic diseases like diabetes, it is a mistake to just rely on drugs alone. There is a absolute need for incorporating natural medicine into your diabetes treatment or prevention plan.We seem to have too much going on all the time to cook a proper meal or exercise. It's easier to grab a coffee and donut for breakfast and a burger for lunch, then really load up on the carbs at dinner time.Managing your diabetes will help prevent additional complications, but once you have developed any of the other health complications that are inherent to those who suffer from Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, it is imperative that you get the proper care enabling you to manage not only your diabetes but the health consequences that you might develop as your disease progresses.

Stroke is another long term complication of diabetes which occurs when the blood supply to apart of your brain is interrupted or severely reduced and the brain tissue is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Within a few minutes to few hours, brain cells begin to die. The interruption can be from a clogged or blocked blood vessel (ischemic stroke) or from a leaking or ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Ischemic stroke is more common.

How To Stop Suffocating Asthma Without Dangerous Drugs

First, The Cause:

Most, but not all, patients with asthma are found to be allergic to certain substance (antigens), which provoke an acute attack.  These substances range from various foods, drugs, and chemicals to pollens, and many other substances.

The respiratory passages become filled with mucus, making breathing very difficult.  It is not infrequent in asthma sufferers to find that there is some associated problem in the stomach, intestines, or kidneys.  Eating certain foods will sometimes bring on an attack.

The Symptoms:

Most frequently there is shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.  This becomes so bad at times that the patient fears he may choke to death.

The severest attacks frequently occur during the night or early morning.  The patient feels that he must fight for air, and may have to get up and go to an open window, or some place where there is a great deal of fresh air.

In sever cases, the patient may become almost black in the face or the complexion may become livid because of a lack of oxygen.

Some Medicinal Herbs:


It is a stimulant and tonic to the mucous membranes.  Warms and strengthens the lungs and promotes expectoration.  It is useful also for coughs.


It also helps with urination retention, kidney and bladder stones, and delayed menstruation


It's used to help remove and prevent the accumulation of mucus in the lungs.


Prevents diarrhea, cold, coughs, heartburn, gas, and nausea.


It's excellent for many other diseases of the respiratory tract including bronchitis and pneumonia.


It's actually not so good when used in foods but is good for irritation of the kidneys and as an emetic.

By: Ben Branklin

How To Control Premature Ejaculation?

Fight Premature Ejaculation with a big heart!
Premature ejaculation can cause stress and drive even the strongest of men to despair. There is a need for standing strong and tall against this condition. Are you willing to join hands with thousands of other men who took this condition head-on? Then you have come to the right page. We will show you how to handle your condition and face the world better.

Types of Premature Ejaculation:
There are mainly 2 types of primary ejaculation. They are discussed below:

In this condition, men have suffered from this condition from adolescence and have never been able to experience satisfactory relationships with their partners.

In this condition, men may have enjoyed sex for a period of time but then eventually lost control over their ejaculation process.

The main reason why this condition occurs is because of stress, guilt, shock or a long period without sexual activity.
Are you ready to banish Primary Ejaculation?
It is high time you took strong action against this condition. Thousands of men suffer in silence, while others opt for unhealthy medications and ruin their lives. It is advisable that you follow the right path in selecting your treatment. Are you willing to go for the right choice?

Herbal medicine – The popular choice among doctors and patients!
Herbal product greatly delays ejaculation and works to regulate the ejaculatory process. Herbs that promote sexual wellness have been in popular use for centuries, especially in countries such as China and India.
Currently, herbs and other forms of natural medicine is finding favor with people in the west as more people are now open to trying different forms of treatment.

Try a natural non-prescription drug known for its effectiveness in resolving this condition. It is 100% safe and can easily fight your sexual worries away. This pill will teach you how to control premature ejaculation.

By: Nindu

Infertility In Male

Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive after trying for one year. Infertility for women is the inability to deliver a baby to full term. .There are many ways to seek infertility help for couples who are unable to conceive. If you found that you are unable to conceive after trying for more than a year, then it is time to seek help as you are most likely infertile. Seeking the assistance of an infertility expert is one way and they will be able to offer the proper treatment once tests are conducted.

Causes of Male Infertility

The causes of male infertility can be categorized into two, which are congenital condition and acquired condition. Congenital male infertility means that the involved causes are present since birth while acquired male infertility is developed later in life, mostly due to illness that affect the male's reproductive system.

Cause of infertility and perhaps the most important is hormonal imbalance. The reproductive hormones are FSH, LH, Estrogen, progesterone and testesterone. Hormonal imbalance is the underlying cause of all other secondary causes of infertility like fibroids, ovarian cysts, endomytriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, irregular periods, heavy periods or lack of mensis. This is because there is a maxim in natural medicine that says, "for any symptoms (infertility in this case) or symptom complex, there is always an imbalance behind it."

An investigation of family history is the first diagnostic method in detecting the causes of one's infertility. The doctor will try to establish if the causes are congenital or acquired as they learn more about a patient's family history. Then, a semen analysis follows where the male's fluids is examined as the doctor looks for the concentration of sperm cells, sperm shape, the mobility of sperm, total number of moving sperm and the total volume of the semen.

Women need to have both healthy eggs and blockage free fallopian tubes to allow for conception. Female infertility is often caused by ovulation disorder. Correct cycles of ovulation are necessary for the healthy eggs to descend into place for the sperm to reach it. Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the more common problems in female infertility.

It is important for couple to understand that infertility affects both men and women. The problem may not lie with the woman. It is important for the male to take a male infertility test to determine the source of the problem.

A male infertility test is conducted with a sperm sample provided by the man through masturbation. The same way that sperm donation is collected. This is normally done in the privacy of his own home and delivered within a specified time. Or it is collected in the fertility clinic.


Medications for infertility may be complicated and may involve long processes of research and application. However, as arduous as the process may be, overcoming infertility is not an impossibility. Seeking the right medication for you is the first step in finding the right treatment for your infertility. Speak to your fertility specialists regarding your options including alternative medicine and options.

By: altruist jone

Vagina Becomes Loose After Pregnancy But It Can Be Tightened Again

Every woman at some point in her life experiences the problem of a loose vagina which has many direct and indirect implications on her life. This problem is more common in aging women and the ones who have gone through pregnancy. In this article let us find out more about this problem and some of the treatments available which can tighten a loose vagina again.

A woman who has lost her vaginal firmness does not enjoy sexual intercourse as intensely as she used too and might even suffer from low libido problem or lack of sexual desire thereby causing problems in a relationship. Also women who have a loose vagina are at a greater risk of suffering from urinary incontinence and bad vaginal odor.

Treatment Available
There are basically two effective forms of treatment available. One is through thru the use of natural medicine and the other is by opting for vagina tightening surgery. Let us discuss about both of them and find out which one will work best for you.

Surgical Method
This is the surest and fastest way to tighten a vagina but this method is in its very early stages hence it costs a lot of money and as we all know there are always complications involved when one goes under the knife as well as this surgery lasts only till your next pregnancy.

Alternative Medicine
In recent years natural vagina tightening creams have gained great respect amongst women who want to get a tighter vagina. These creams are made from natural herbs like aloe and manjikani and are applied directly to the vaginal area half an hour before sexual intercourse. These creams act instantly on the vagina and make it tighter by almost 30% thereby enhancing the feeling of penetration during sexual intercourse for both the partners.

By: Shekhar Malhotra

Boost Your Immune System With Supplements

The fact is that healthy people are not just "lucky." Are "cleaner" than the rest of us. Healthy people have something in common - a strong immune system. That's it. And it is easy to achieve. Increases immune system health is easier than you think.

One of the best ways to rebuild and maintain a strong immune system, in addition to diet, exercise, sleep and low voltage, is taking natural herbs or supplements. There are plenty of products on the market today that all claim to support or stimulate the immune system. Many even make claims about cures. So what are you doing? What is truth?

The more you know about natural herbs and supplements that help your immune system, the better. There is no substitute for knowledge. What you will find a lot of private information out there that is mostly unregulated and unverified. Most are trying to sell their products. And the best herbs and supplements that are mixed in a "magic pill" or "all-in-a drink," to exercise more care and the more I know. Your best recourse is to universities and research centers that have a program o. If you can not find what you're looking for there in the supplement you are considering .... DO NOT BUY IT!

There is a higher thing to consider. Natural supplements, particularly those affecting the immune system, should be treated with respect. They work because they have strong pharmacological activity. Although side effects are generally much lower than those of prescription pharmaceuticals - which makes them particularly attractive - some natural remedies if abused can also hurt. The supplement does not fall into this category is Coriolus versicolor. It's better for the reconstruction and modulation of the immune system and has virtually no side effects. What's more, because it is basically a fungus, you can not overdose on it unless they are allergic to mold.

In the best of worlds, which would have a highly trained team - a pharmacist, a doctor or health of others - to help guide you: to tell you what you need, how to decide between products and brands, how much to take , what to expect - as it does now, when you buy prescription drugs. In Germany, doctors and pharmacists should also have knowledge about natural resources, herbs and supplements, permitted uses, potential side effects and how they should be prescribed. Unfortunately, here in the U.S. When natural supplements are virtually ignored by medical schools and poorly regulated by the government, no established national repository of consumer information or support system. That is sure to change in the future, as the power of natural medicine is best known. But until then, you're on your own. But research by the desire to provide the information and confidence they need to succeed.

By: keely wiki

Choosing A Smart Penis Enlargement Method

Now that you are ready to take your big step, by joining the many smart men of penis enlargement satisfied community, allow me to give you some info on making the right choice. You know what you need and there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. It is very natural to want better things in life and a bigger penis definitely is very important. Your decision for doing something special for your penis should not go wasted. If you are wondering what are the things that could result in you resenting your penis enlargement then there are many. I don’t want to waste your time telling you about those negative methods. I want to concentrate on telling you about herbal pills that could really satisfy you. With herbal pills you will not be restricted for anything. You can go about living your life quite normally with zero side effects. That is the beauty of herbal pills for penis enlargement.

If you are tempted to use devices like penis pumps, let me tell you that pumps are highly unreliable plus dangerous to use. Doctors do not endorse this risky device for penis enlargement. Penis pumps are only for patients who suffer from diabetes or other heart conditions for erections. There is a very effective herbal pill in the market known as Prosolution Pills. The Prosolution Pills are herbal pills which help in increasing penis size naturally without any fuss. These pills could be taken whatever time and place you prefer. No need of doctor’s prescription as well.

The ingredients that are in Prosolution Pills help in boosting blood flow to your penis and also pump up testosterone production. It also raises energy levels which automatically kick starts the whole reproduction system. Nobody needs any sort of risky surgery or penis pumps for penis enlargement when such healthy herbal solutions are available in the market. Why would anyone want to risk impotence, botched recoveries and scars when the process could be so easy.

This article is intended to make you understand that penis enlargement is very much possible with herbal pills. Do not be bothered by the various negative opinions circulating around medical community. To be very honest, it is very obvious and simple. The natural penis enlargement method is exactly like any natural medicine. The herbal pills are very much reliable and people who have used them give their honest positive testimonials. It is very difficult for those people, who are trying to sell overpriced methods for penis enlargement, to accept that penis enlargement can be possible without spending a bomb. Herbal pills are an effective treatment with not even a single negative effect.

Breast Enlargement Diet To Increase Your Cup Size

There are so many women who are always on the lookout just for ways to increase their breast size. There are a numerous number of options available to enhance breast size like those taking pills, herbal supplements, exercising, breast implants and also eating certain foods. In this article oftenly we are going to find out which natural foods and herbs are even actually helpful in enhancing the size of breasts.

Traditional Methods
There are other traditional methods which are used to enhance breast size for example in China girls with under developed breasts are so given chicken soup consisting mainly of chicken head reason as it is believed to contain a high percentage of estrogen in it which is infract essential for breast growth. Similarly every alternative medicine
system has its own recommendations and so more often than not these methods do work if followed in the right way therefore .

There are some certain herbs which are very helpful in increasing breast size effectively . Fenugreek is one such herb that has been widely used for centuries by women to enhance their breast size reasonably . No surprises then that every natural herbal pill contains fenugreek that as one of its ingredient so . Flax seed is that another herbal recommendation which has been found to be so very effective in breast enlargement, the reason why flax seeds aid in enhancing breasts that is due to the rich presence of phytoestrogens present in it which are also essential for breast enhancement.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables like green vegetables are really very helpful in cases of under developed breasts . They will not only help in natural growth of breasts even but also help in improving your overall health. Other foods those like whole grains and cereals are also helpful as they effective contain a high percentage of fiber in them.

If you follow the above methods you will definitely see a change in your breast size. All you need is to believe in the natural medicine as it may take some time to show results but once you get them they be long lasting.

Bronchial Cough Natural Treatment

The best way to treat a cough is to get rid of what is causing it, not to suppress it. Coughing helps to expel congested phlegm or inhaled dust from the lungs, bronchial tubes or windpipe. Cough is usually caused by an infection or an irritant such as cigarette smoke or dust. A hoarse cough may be a symptom of laryngitis.

What the Natural Doctors Recommend

Aromatherapy: An inhalant is generally recommended in early stages. This will help to soothe the cough and expel phlegm. Essential oils used commonly include eucalyptus, thyme, cypress and sandalwood. Generally, two or three drops are added to a bowl of hot water and the steam inhaled for periods of about 10 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day until the cough clears.

For a sore throat caused by a dry, hard cough, gargle with three drops of the same essential oil in half a glass of water.

Herbal Medicine: White horehound is a highly recommended herbal cough remedy. Make an infusion of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water, and take a teaspoonful 3 times daily. Liquorice can be added to reduce their bitterness.

Other herbal infusions that are generally used are mullein, wild cherry bark, hyssop, angelica, yarrow, elecampane and elder flower.

Naturopathy: Recommended remedies include two garlic tablets 3 times a day, and supplements vitamin A, B and C daily once. Hot lemon juice with a spoonful of honey and glycerin helps to soothe the throat. Add cider vinegar to hot water, soak a hot towel and apply as a compress to the throat and chest. This may help get rid of phlegm.

By: Ben Branklin

Herbal Supplements And Products For Stress, Memory, Health

Herbal Supplements and Products for stress, memory, health
Herbal Supplements for exciting Health benefits of herbal supplements. Natural herbal supplements can go a long way in the direction of increasing your health and vitality, and can even provide for an alternate solution to treat your symptoms and possibly the root cause of your illness.

Natural herbal supplements are available for just about any common ailment. Natural herbs can be used to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and regulate the ratio of good to bad cholesterol. Medicinal herbs are even used for the regulation of the symptoms of menopause, depression and anxiety, and even a simple head ache. Herbal supplements for teething babies have become a popular solution for mothers.
Herbal supplements have unique healing properties that aren't just for illnesses. You can use them for healthy weight loss, stress reduction, to improve memory, and aid in digestion and healthy immune function.

One of the problems with trends and fads these days, is that one herb will be touted as being a miracle drug for one specific health condition. What's left unsaid though, is all the other things these herbs will do too. Most herbs can be used for a wide variety of things in your body. Unlike prescription medications which are made to treat just one thing, many herbs can be used to treat a wide variety of things.

In recent years, more and more people in the western culture turn to alternative medicine to get relief from diseases that predictable medicine fails to eliminate. The success of natural remedies is found in its effectiveness and safety (no side effects). In fact, natural herbal remedies have shown in several clinic cases satisfying results in the life of those suffering from arthritis, heart disease, prostate inflammation, etc. Well, do make a start! Hopefully, in time, you can grow to know about the basic principles of using herbs for health in your daily life.

For a start, the first thing to know is to understand what natural herbal remedies are and how they work. Usually this term refers to the use of medicinal plants to aid in healing and in creating more health and wellness. Although herbal therapy is one of the oldest methods of healing, it is often referred to as alternative or complementary medicine today. The reason is that any form of healing, other than using synthetic drug therapy and surgery, is considered alternative.

Herbal remedies are the most ancient medicine in the world. Our grandmothers used to use natural remedies: the chamomile to revive the blond hair, the rose to clarify the complexion, the Borage to clean. Besides healing properties, most of the plants used in natural remedies are rich in minerals and vitamins, which can prevent you from getting sick if used in a proper way. The therapeutic virtues of natural medicine are due to the curative effects localized in the different organs of the plants: leaves, fruit, flowers, roots, etc.

How our natural herbal remedies can help you?
- Hair care
- Weight loss
- Air cleaner
- quit smoking
- Vaginal infection
- face and skin care
- Water purification
- Asthma treatment
- Arthritis treatment
- Diabetes treatment
- Internal detoxification
- Cholesterol treatment
- Treatment of arteries
- Anti aging supplements
- Notification of the body and the relaxation

Natural herbal remedies can be very effective for many of the mild symptoms that you experience on a daily basis. There are some powerful herbs that can also be used to treat chronic conditions as well. These chronic conditions include diabetes, arthritis, memory problems and cardiovascular disease. You should still note that just because herbs are natural, it does not necessarily mean that they are safe. Hence, you would need to get to know about the herb that you are using. Do always check back with your health care provider when in doubt or if you intend to use them to treat a specific ailment that you are having.