Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Best Time of Month to Get Pregnant

 by: Maggie Tan

The best time of month to get pregnant is universally known to be when a woman’s monthly cycle renders her the most fertile to conceive. The difficulty lies in determining this precise period when she is most fertile to conceive naturally.

A few simple techniques of self monitoring at home can enable a woman to get pregnant quickly. These steps will allow her to ascertain the fertile spell she is most likely to conceive naturally. These include: counting the days of her menstrual cycle, measuring basal body temperature and monitoring alterations in cervical mucous.

Amongst all the guides I have come across that teaches couples to get pregnant quickly and conceive naturally, the Pregnancy Miracle offers the most comprehensive instructions and manual. You will see numerous women exchanging their experiences in reversing their infertility, their touching stories when they made the breakthrough and became pregnant, and most importantly, the methods and system that helped them achieve what many of them thought was a hopeless cause.

The 3 straightforward techniques to verify the best time of month to get pregnant are elaborated in further detail below:

Count the Days of your Menstrual Cycle

By and large, when women ovulate, this is the best time of month to get pregnant as they are most fertile. Ovulation is the most productive time for a woman to conceive naturally.

It is easy to assume the normal criterion that ovulation takes place midway through a woman’s 28 day cycle i.e. ovulation transpiring on Day 14 of their menstrual cycle. In reality, many women’s cycles are not the average 28 days, and indeed varies from month to month. In fact, they could even have cycles of 25 days or 31 days, which increases the complexity of validating when ovulation occurs. Therefore, use the post ovulation stage of your menstrual cycle instead to calculate when you ovulate. Post ovulation phase is comparatively more regular at roughly 14 days. For instance, those with a 31 day cycle will have their ovulation just around Day 17 (31 minus 14 = 17).

Using this method will ensure you know promptly when you are ovulating and thus when your best time of month to get pregnant is, as you are most fertile to conceive then.

Measure Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

Measuring, quantifying and keeping a record of your basal body temperature is perhaps the most efficient and valuable technique of when you are most fertile to conceive naturally. If you become familiar with your BBT pattern, your best time of month to get pregnant becomes more apparent. This method is widely used and highly popular amongst women to get pregnant quickly as it does not require complex equipment.

Most women’s basal body temperature increases by up to 1.6 degrees Celsius after ovulation. Be sure to use a sensitive digital thermometer that records minor incremental changes of up to 2 decimal places to chart your BBT accurately.

To get pregnant quickly, it is absolutely necessary to follow the most stringent consistency and precision when you are charting your BBT. The temperature must be taken everyday at the same time, and should be the very first thing you do when you get up in the morning. This does mean that you need to measure your BBT even before you use the bathroom.

A few months down the line, a pattern of your BBT will emerge. This will enable to be accurately identify the days that lead up to your ovulation and hence you know when you will be most fertile to conceive naturally.

Several factors affect your BBT, such as if you fall ill, insomnia, anxiety, stress etc. Do jot down any significant exceptions in conjunction with your daily BBT. By doing so, you will appreciate and recognise any atypical rises and dips in your BBT.

Monitoring Changes and Alterations in Cervical Mucous

As a woman’s body approaches the time when she is most fertile to conceive naturally, the amount of cervical mucous discharge by the vagina increases. Other obvious changes are the colour of the mucous, which becomes more transparent and clear. The texture becomes slim-like and springy.

The appearance of such mucous indicates the best time of month to get pregnant. This type of mucous allows the sperm to be sustained over a number of days. Sexual intercourse during this period will greatly increase the possibility to get pregnant quickly.

Using the 3 indicators as described in this article is crucial to establish the best time of month to get pregnant and determining when a woman is most fertile to conceive naturally. If you only utilise one method, it is not as effective as using all 3 techniques to unequivocally enhance her chances to get pregnant quickly.

The life span of sperm cells within a woman’s body is only up to 5 days. In order to boost her likelihood to get pregnant quickly, it is advantageous to have sexual intercourse a few days before right up until ovulation day. This will create more time for the sperm to travel their way up to the vagina and wait for ovulation when the woman is most fertile to conceive.


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