by: Sarah Rhodes
To prevent candidiasis, follow these guidelines: Keep moist areas of the body cool and dry.Avoid wearing a wet bathing suit or damp clothing for long periods of time. Avoid frequent douching.Avoid bubble baths (scented or unscented). Avoid wearing underwear made from nylon or other nonventilating materials. Avoid wearing tight pantyhose or tight pants. Add yogurt to your diet. Avoid frequent or prolonged use of oral antibiotics if possible.
You can prevent yeast infections by making sure that your genital area stays as dry as possible and can breathe. For example:
Unfortunately, about 5 percent of these women will have frequent infections. Recurrence has many possible causes -- incomplete treatment of a yeast infection, chronic health conditions, and medications such as steroids. It may even be something else entirely, which is why you should consult your own doctor if it happens to you.
Parasites are almost always found where there is candida overgrowth and may have played a significant role in causing the candida overgrowth. Many excrete ammonia and toxins that kill friendly bacteria such as acidophilus just like candida does. Anything that kills friendly bacteris, like antibiotics, will help the candida to overgrow, as the friendly flora in your intestinal tract are supposed to keep candida and harmful bacteria in check. Some types of parasites will suppress the immune system response in the intestines which would enable yeast to overgrow.
It is normal to have some fungus, or yeast, on the body. Bacteria usually keep the growth of the yeast in check.However, sometimes the yeast grows (multiplies) quickly and causes an infection. There are several situations in which the yeast may multiply. For example, antibiotic medicine may kill the bacteria that keep yeast levels down. Conditions that cause hormonal changes, such as menopause, pregnancy, or taking birth control pills, may also cause the yeast to grow. Yeast infections are often associated with diabetes, especiallywhen the blood sugar level is too high. Recurring or stubborn cases of vaginal candidiasis may sometimes be an early sign of diabetes. In some cases, yeast infections that don't go away are an early sign of HIV infection. Drugsthat suppress the body's defense system (such as drugs used to treat AIDS) also allow the yeast to grow and spread. Candidiasis usually is not spread by sexual intercourse.
Yeast infections can be uncomfortable, but there are many herbal remedies that use very simple components that can help relieve and ease their symptoms. In addition, there are some things to note during a yeast infection -- such as cutting down on fruit -- that may help you be more comfortable during its duration.
Various topical creams may be used to relieve itching or irritation of the vulva (folds of skin on the outside of the vagina). Oral medications may be necessary, but these can be obtained only by prescription from a physician.
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