by: Enoch Abraham
During the past two centuries, extreme, sharp, and sudden changes in the advancement of overall technologies and sciences shot humanity through a transformation trumping all other human changes of the previous known 2-3,000,000 million years of our existence. Few of these changes compare to the astonishing, and devastating, alterations in human dieting patterns. In our past, humans was starkly different to the modern feeding habits of the day. People often included a diverse array of plant foods - fruits, vegetables, seeds, grasses, cereal grains, nuts, and herbs - as key, if not main, portions of their everyday meals. What's more, people performed fairly few processes, other than washing, cutting, and/or lightly cooking, before eating.
Yet, modern worldly diet scarcely, if at all, resembles the home-grown diets of the old, and no country is a better example of this departure than right here in the United States. Increased production, access, and exposure to fatty and sugary foods has greatly diminished the amount fresh plant material present in an average American meal. The fast-food explosion of the past 50 years offered a timely alternative to preparing one's own food, which proved convenient for working Americans. However, this convenience soon became a replacement to the home-prepared meal. Children in high schools and eventually even in elementary schools started coming to school with money rather than packed lunches. Combined with the increasing amount of off campus lunches and candy-and-pop ridden vending machines, human diets, across various age levels, became increasingly sugary, fatty, processed, and lethal.
Are anyone of you familiar with the term "pH balanced"? This simple term refers and acid-base state where the acid level is equal to the alkaline (basic) level of a given system. On the pH scale, any number lower than 7 (1-6) represents an acidic system, while numbers >7 up to 14 represent alkaline systems. Now you may be wondering, "What do acids or bases have to do with anything?" You see, the human body itself in an acid-base system, a system that performs best on a pH balanced basis. When the body's state drifts too far into acidity of alkalinity, unhealthy complications arise. When you look at it, the biggest question in this whole matter is, "Are you pH balanced?"
If those modern eating habits sound all too familiar, then you're like a great deal of Americans; you're bodily pH is off balance. One of the chief regulators of your bodily pH is your dieting habit. Does anyone remember when cereal commercials used to boast that, "Kellogg's Cornflakes are part of this complete and balanced breakfast!" In the commercial next to the cereal was one or more pieces of fruit and a glass of juice and/or milk. Yet, that wholesome looking breakfast rarely resembles the average American's breakfast... if you even have one! See, the highly processed and refined simple-sugar-and-heavy-fat foods holds a 2-sided threat. First, these literal junk foods forces laborious demand on the body's metabolic functions to assimilate the simple sugars and heavy fats, not to mention combating the poisonous effects of countless preservatives. To make matters worst, these taxing junk foods comes with little to none of the equipment necessary for proper assimilation. With nowhere left to go, these unused sugars and fats build up inside the body... a build-up causing a devastating acidic state in the body.
Given the proper performing state of the body is neutrality, what happens when the body becomes overtly acidic? Can you picture that a body, in a constant unnatural state, working well for very long? What machine or device do you know of that works properly under continuous poor conditions? In all actuality, we all know that when something is cared for poorly, then at least one or more of its primary functions becomes weakened, if not totally useless. If our bodies are in a state of continuous poor care, then won't it eventually breakdown, leaving itself vulnerable to a what can be a perfect storm of health obstacles?
For this reason, many health care professionals are taking a second glance at returning to the feeding and living habits of the past. This return to a natural lifestyle has wrought wonders in advancing treatments of disorders for which conventional medicine has no cure. For a greater look at tips, techniques, and strategies on restoring your bodies pH balance, take a look at Matt Traverso's "How to Stop Diabetes Now!" Although he focuses mainly on diabetic complications, Matt reveals how you can restore the pH balance of your body, reaping hallmark benefits for your body natural healing functions. Within these pages Matt also reveals the damaging, and even disease-strengthening, consequences of prescription drugs, and the natural alternatives you can take to remain in top-notch health. This book is not just a necessary tool for diabetics, it's a necessary addition for anyone looking to grasp complete and prosperous health. To learn more about this stunning, nutritional secrets of this book, take a look at my Squidoo lens at the bottom of the screen on diabetes.
Stopping Diabetes The Natural Way
Jumpstarting Your Health With the Holistic Lifestyle
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