Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Home Remedies for Cold and Flu - Natural Medicine That Works

Getting a blocked nose, sore throat, a headache and muscle pain as well as fever is always unpleasant, to say the least. Most people have to fight a cold or two every year. You can get the flu easily as well. In some cases, taking prescription drugs is necessary, but there are plenty of home remedies that will bring you substantial relief as well. There is an effective natural method to treat each of the cold and flu symptoms.

Blowing your nose regularly is essential, but you should use nasal irrigation as well. All you have to do is add half a teaspoon of salt to eight ounces (one glass) of water and mix. Once the salt has dissolved completely, you can put two to three drops of the solution into each nostril. Repeat this as often as necessary, but try to limit the treatments to fewer than six times a day. You will get relief from your blocked nose. In addition, your nose blood vessels will not shrink which is a common side effect of nasal drops.

You can use a similar solution for effective sore throat relief. Just use a teaspoon of baking soda instead of salt and dissolve it in a glass of water. Take a mouthful and gargle for as long as you can. Repeat this two more times. The baking soda has an antibacterial effect. It will relieve the inflammation, itching and soreness. You can do the gargling three to four times a day, preferably after meals as food or water intake can remove the baking soda from your throat.

Once your nose is unblocked, you will gain substantial relief from your cold or flu headache. You can also try drinking some green tea. It will automatically work to expand your blood vessels and to increase the blood flow to the painful area. In addition, green tea is packed with antioxidants that boost the immune system. In turn, your body will fight the cold or flu more effectively. Another benefit from this tea is that it has an energizing and refreshing effect.

The best natural home remedy for fever is vinegar. You do not have to drink it, but to use it for compresses. Dip a cloth in vinegar and place it on your forehead. Keep in until it gets very warm. You can also put compresses on your hands and around your feet, if your fever is high. Drinking lemon tea with ginger can also aid in lowering your body temperature.

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