For many years, herbal remedies for blocked fallopian tubes have been used in Chinese medicine. More recently though, they have made an impact within the Western world, with many alternative practitioners recommending them as a solution to either unexplained fertility or in cases where conventional surgery and medicine has failed to find a solution.
Natural remedies for blocked fallopian tubes do not usually consist of one just one form of treatment but the approach tends to be multifaceted. The following remedies will usually form part of the treatment.
Herbal Tampons
These are made by soaking standard, unperfumed tampons in a herbal infusion which has been carefully selected to kill off any bacteria or yeast within the reproductive organs and to reduce inflammation within the fallopian tubes. In addition, the herbs used will help to loosen up scar tissue and adhesions. These are best worn at night, giving the infusion the maximum chance to work its way up through the vagina and into the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Herbal Douche
This is usually a blend of herbs made to effectively "wash" the vagina and internal pelvic organs of any debris which has been loosened up after using the herbal tampons. In addition, the herbs will help to kill off any remaining infections and restore the natural healthy balance within the vagina.
Herbal Capsules
These are usually taken orally and the mix of herbs are supportive of the action of the herbal tampons. In addition, they may also contain enzymes which will help to break down adhesions and scar tissue in the reproductive organs.
Regular Detoxing
Detoxing is an important element of herbal remedies for blocked fallopian tubes. It is widely believed that build-ups of undesirable toxins and poisons in the major organs such as the colon, kidneys and liver can contribute to infertility by causing imbalances of hormones. Thorough detoxing can help to remove these toxins thus helping to pave the way for a successful pregnancy.
By: Beth Hopkins
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