Oregano oil has many medicinal uses, which is why it is being used by doctors and patients quite a lot. It also has some antiseptic properties which help to cure bacterial and viral infections. I think that everybody should make a habit of consuming oregano oil in their day to day routine as it helps to keep away from the infectious diseases. The common oregano is referred to as Origanum marjoram and the plant from where oregano oil is extracted is known as Origanum vulgare.
But these two are totally different and, therefore, do not have any sort of relationship. This oregano oil is considered to contain many beneficial features, like it is capable of being improving the immune system of the human body. This oil is also considered to have the ability to improve the respiratory system of the human body. Moreover, if you use this oil frequently, then it will also lead to increase of both muscle as well as joint flexibility.
From my own experience, I have found out that oregano oil is also capable of treating infections, skin irritations in an effective manner; but it has to be used in a diluted form. When we talk about the uses of oregano oil, there are many different ways by which oregano oil can be consumed. For instance, in order to fight against cough, headache and indigestion, you can drink tea made up of fresh oregano. Hence, you should boil the fresh oregano in a pan for 15-20 minutes and drink it three times a day to fight against infections.
Moreover, this wonder oil can also be used for mouth diseases. You can do this by pouring boiled water on fresh oreganos. Allow it to stand for 10 to 15 minutes, and then strain the solution and gargle with it to clear the throat. It is also found out that with this oil you can even cure digestive problems as it has a very high concentration of thymol and carvacrol in it. Oregano oil is also capable of curing congestion in the lungs and, therefore, is considered to be a versatile medicine by which a large number of diseases can be cured.
By: Robert Henry
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