Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sunlight Therapy - Natural Medicine for Natural Healing?

Sun worshippers have yet another reason to bask in the sun...

Some healthcare providers believe that sunlight therapy can be effective in helping relieve a number of health conditions. A matter of fact, a recent study compared 100 patients in Canada, who suffered from depression. The conclusion of the natural health research demonstrated that patients who received light treatment responded faster without adverse side effects opposed to those receiving antidepressant medication.

As a natural health medicine, sunlight therapy may well be on its way to proving what most of us already know -- sunshine generally makes us happier. Think back to a time when you were younger...wasn't it great to get out and play in the afternoon sun? And even as adults, we tend to soak up the rays with utter delight. The reason sunlight therapy may be as beneficial as it is for seasonal affected disorder (SAD; also seasonal depression) is primarily due to its ability to increase endorphins. These endorphins are what I'll call "happy hormones," which generally promote a feeling of well being. Chocolate works much in the same way - it, too, raises endorphin levels.

What other natural healing abilities does sunlight therapy offer? If you're like me, you enjoy the warm glow of the high-noon sun; but just 10 or 15 minutes per day can expose you to a rich source of Vitamin D. This particular nutrient is especially essential as it provides a critical role in maintaining our organ systems. Deficiency in Vitamin D can create a slew of health problems including Rickets, high blood pressure, cancer, and several other chronic diseases and disorders.

As a natural health preventative, sunlight's Vitamin D has been shown to prevent or even reverse coronary disease. Recent studies suggest that individuals exposed to sunlight had a lower concentration of blood cholesterol during the summer months than in winter months. As most of us are aware, lowering blood cholesterol is vital to maintaining and preserving heart health.

Is sunlight therapy a natural health medicine? If we view the sun in the sense that the existence of nearly all life relies on the light from the sun to survive, we can surmise that it is both a source of life and healing. However, as with any medicine or natural health supplement, taking the correct dose is all important in leading a healthy, happy life.


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